set -xe PROJECT_DIR="$1" PLATFORM=$(PYTHONPATH=tools python -c "import openblas_support; print(openblas_support.get_plat())") printenv # Update license cat $PROJECT_DIR/tools/wheels/LICENSE_win32.txt >> $PROJECT_DIR/LICENSE.txt # Install Openblas PYTHONPATH=tools python -c "import openblas_support; openblas_support.make_init('scipy')" mkdir -p /c/opt/openblas/if_32/32/lib/pkgconfig mkdir -p /c/opt/openblas/if_32/64/lib/pkgconfig # delvewheel is the equivalent of delocate/auditwheel for windows. python -m pip install delvewheel # make the DLL available for tools/wheels/ If you change # this location you need to alter that script. mkdir -p /c/opt/openblas/openblas_dll which strip # The 32/64 bit Fortran wheels are currently coming from different locations. if [[ $PLATFORM == 'win-32' ]]; then # 32-bit openBLAS # Download 32 bit openBLAS and put it into c/opt/32/lib target=$(python -c "import tools.openblas_support as obs; plat=obs.get_plat(); ilp64=obs.get_ilp64(); target=f'openblas_{plat}.zip'; obs.download_openblas(target, plat, ilp64);print(target)") unzip $target -d /c/opt/openblas/if_32/ cp /c/opt/openblas/if_32/32/bin/*.dll /c/opt/openblas/openblas_dll # rm /c/opt/openblas/if_32/32/lib/*.dll.a else # 64-bit openBLAS curl -L -o unzip -d /c cp /c/opt/openblas/if_32/64/bin/*.dll /c/opt/openblas/openblas_dll fi