/* * include/dd_inline.h * * This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Division * of Mathematical, Information, and Computational Sciences of the * U.S. Department of Energy under contract numbers DE-AC03-76SF00098 and * DE-AC02-05CH11231. * * Copyright (c) 2003-2009, The Regents of the University of California, * through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of * any required approvals from U.S. Dept. of Energy) All rights reserved. * * By downloading or using this software you are agreeing to the modified * BSD license "BSD-LBNL-License.doc" (see LICENSE.txt). */ /* * Contains small functions (suitable for inlining) in the double-double * arithmetic package. */ #ifndef _DD_REAL_IDEFS_H_ #define _DD_REAL_IDEFS_H_ 1 #include <float.h> #include <limits.h> #include <math.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "dd_idefs.h" /* ************************************************************************ Now for the double2 routines ************************************************************************ */ static NPY_INLINE double dd_hi(const double2 a) { return a.x[0]; } static NPY_INLINE double dd_lo(const double2 a) { return a.x[1]; } static NPY_INLINE int dd_isnan(const double2 a) { return (DD_ISNAN(a.x[0]) || DD_ISNAN(a.x[1])); } static NPY_INLINE int dd_isfinite(const double2 a) { return DD_ISFINITE(a.x[0]); } static NPY_INLINE int dd_isinf(const double2 a) { return DD_ISINF(a.x[0]); } static NPY_INLINE int dd_is_zero(const double2 a) { return (a.x[0] == 0.0); } static NPY_INLINE int dd_is_one(const double2 a) { return (a.x[0] == 1.0 && a.x[1] == 0.0); } static NPY_INLINE int dd_is_positive(const double2 a) { return (a.x[0] > 0.0); } static NPY_INLINE int dd_is_negative(const double2 a) { return (a.x[0] < 0.0); } /* Cast to double. */ static NPY_INLINE double dd_to_double(const double2 a) { return a.x[0]; } /* Cast to int. */ static NPY_INLINE int dd_to_int(const double2 a) { return DD_STATIC_CAST(int, a.x[0]); } /*********** Equality and Other Comparisons ************/ static NPY_INLINE int dd_comp(const double2 a, const double2 b) { int cmp = two_comp(a.x[0], b.x[0]); if (cmp == 0) { cmp = two_comp(a.x[1], b.x[1]); } return cmp; } static NPY_INLINE int dd_comp_dd_d(const double2 a, double b) { int cmp = two_comp(a.x[0], b); if (cmp == 0) { cmp = two_comp(a.x[1], 0); } return cmp; } static NPY_INLINE int dd_comp_d_dd(double a, const double2 b) { int cmp = two_comp(a, b.x[0]); if (cmp == 0) { cmp = two_comp(0.0, b.x[1]); } return cmp; } /*********** Creation ************/ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_create(double hi, double lo) { double2 ret = {{hi, lo}}; return ret; } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_zero(void) { return DD_C_ZERO; } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_create_d(double hi) { double2 ret = {{hi, 0.0}}; return ret; } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_create_i(int hi) { double2 ret = {{DD_STATIC_CAST(double, hi), 0.0}}; return ret; } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_create_dp(const double *d) { double2 ret = {{d[0], d[1]}}; return ret; } /*********** Unary Minus ***********/ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_neg(const double2 a) { double2 ret = {{-a.x[0], -a.x[1]}}; return ret; } /*********** Rounding ************/ /* Round to Nearest integer */ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_nint(const double2 a) { double hi = two_nint(a.x[0]); double lo; if (hi == a.x[0]) { /* High word is an integer already. Round the low word.*/ lo = two_nint(a.x[1]); /* Renormalize. This is needed if x[0] = some integer, x[1] = 1/2.*/ hi = quick_two_sum(hi, lo, &lo); } else { /* High word is not an integer. */ lo = 0.0; if (fabs(hi - a.x[0]) == 0.5 && a.x[1] < 0.0) { /* There is a tie in the high word, consult the low word to break the tie. */ hi -= 1.0; /* NOTE: This does not cause INEXACT. */ } } return dd_create(hi, lo); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_floor(const double2 a) { double hi = floor(a.x[0]); double lo = 0.0; if (hi == a.x[0]) { /* High word is integer already. Round the low word. */ lo = floor(a.x[1]); hi = quick_two_sum(hi, lo, &lo); } return dd_create(hi, lo); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_ceil(const double2 a) { double hi = ceil(a.x[0]); double lo = 0.0; if (hi == a.x[0]) { /* High word is integer already. Round the low word. */ lo = ceil(a.x[1]); hi = quick_two_sum(hi, lo, &lo); } return dd_create(hi, lo); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_aint(const double2 a) { return (a.x[0] >= 0.0) ? dd_floor(a) : dd_ceil(a); } /* Absolute value */ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_abs(const double2 a) { return (a.x[0] < 0.0 ? dd_neg(a) : a); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_fabs(const double2 a) { return dd_abs(a); } /*********** Normalizing ***********/ /* double-double * (2.0 ^ expt) */ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_ldexp(const double2 a, int expt) { return dd_create(ldexp(a.x[0], expt), ldexp(a.x[1], expt)); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_frexp(const double2 a, int *expt) { // r"""return b and l s.t. 0.5<=|b|<1 and 2^l == a // 0.5<=|b[0]|<1.0 or |b[0]| == 1.0 and b[0]*b[1]<0 // """ int exponent; double man = frexp(a.x[0], &exponent); double b1 = ldexp(a.x[1], -exponent); if (fabs(man) == 0.5 && man * b1 < 0) { man *=2; b1 *= 2; exponent -= 1; } *expt = exponent; return dd_create(man, b1); } /*********** Additions ************/ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_add_d_d(double a, double b) { double s, e; s = two_sum(a, b, &e); return dd_create(s, e); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_add_dd_d(const double2 a, double b) { double s1, s2; s1 = two_sum(a.x[0], b, &s2); s2 += a.x[1]; s1 = quick_two_sum(s1, s2, &s2); return dd_create(s1, s2); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_add_d_dd(double a, const double2 b) { double s1, s2; s1 = two_sum(a, b.x[0], &s2); s2 += b.x[1]; s1 = quick_two_sum(s1, s2, &s2); return dd_create(s1, s2); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_ieee_add(const double2 a, const double2 b) { /* This one satisfies IEEE style error bound, due to K. Briggs and W. Kahan. */ double s1, s2, t1, t2; s1 = two_sum(a.x[0], b.x[0], &s2); t1 = two_sum(a.x[1], b.x[1], &t2); s2 += t1; s1 = quick_two_sum(s1, s2, &s2); s2 += t2; s1 = quick_two_sum(s1, s2, &s2); return dd_create(s1, s2); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_sloppy_add(const double2 a, const double2 b) { /* This is the less accurate version ... obeys Cray-style error bound. */ double s, e; s = two_sum(a.x[0], b.x[0], &e); e += (a.x[1] + b.x[1]); s = quick_two_sum(s, e, &e); return dd_create(s, e); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_add(const double2 a, const double2 b) { /* Always require IEEE-style error bounds */ return dd_ieee_add(a, b); } /*********** Subtractions ************/ /* double-double = double - double */ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_sub_d_d(double a, double b) { double s, e; s = two_diff(a, b, &e); return dd_create(s, e); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_sub(const double2 a, const double2 b) { return dd_ieee_add(a, dd_neg(b)); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_sub_dd_d(const double2 a, double b) { double s1, s2; s1 = two_sum(a.x[0], -b, &s2); s2 += a.x[1]; s1 = quick_two_sum(s1, s2, &s2); return dd_create(s1, s2); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_sub_d_dd(double a, const double2 b) { double s1, s2; s1 = two_sum(a, -b.x[0], &s2); s2 -= b.x[1]; s1 = quick_two_sum(s1, s2, &s2); return dd_create(s1, s2); } /*********** Multiplications ************/ /* double-double = double * double */ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_mul_d_d(double a, double b) { double p, e; p = two_prod(a, b, &e); return dd_create(p, e); } /* double-double * double, where double is a power of 2. */ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_mul_pwr2(const double2 a, double b) { return dd_create(a.x[0] * b, a.x[1] * b); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_mul(const double2 a, const double2 b) { double p1, p2; p1 = two_prod(a.x[0], b.x[0], &p2); p2 += (a.x[0] * b.x[1] + a.x[1] * b.x[0]); p1 = quick_two_sum(p1, p2, &p2); return dd_create(p1, p2); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_mul_dd_d(const double2 a, double b) { double p1, p2, e1, e2; p1 = two_prod(a.x[0], b, &e1); p2 = two_prod(a.x[1], b, &e2); p1 = quick_two_sum(p1, e2 + p2 + e1, &e1); return dd_create(p1, e1); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_mul_d_dd(double a, const double2 b) { double p1, p2, e1, e2; p1 = two_prod(a, b.x[0], &e1); p2 = two_prod(a, b.x[1], &e2); p1 = quick_two_sum(p1, e2 + p2 + e1, &e1); return dd_create(p1, e1); } /*********** Divisions ************/ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_sloppy_div(const double2 a, const double2 b) { double s1, s2; double q1, q2; double2 r; q1 = a.x[0] / b.x[0]; /* approximate quotient */ /* compute this - q1 * dd */ r = dd_sub(a, dd_mul_dd_d(b, q1)); s1 = two_diff(a.x[0], r.x[0], &s2); s2 -= r.x[1]; s2 += a.x[1]; /* get next approximation */ q2 = (s1 + s2) / b.x[0]; /* renormalize */ r.x[0] = quick_two_sum(q1, q2, &r.x[1]); return r; } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_accurate_div(const double2 a, const double2 b) { double q1, q2, q3; double2 r; q1 = a.x[0] / b.x[0]; /* approximate quotient */ r = dd_sub(a, dd_mul_dd_d(b, q1)); q2 = r.x[0] / b.x[0]; r = dd_sub(r, dd_mul_dd_d(b, q2)); q3 = r.x[0] / b.x[0]; q1 = quick_two_sum(q1, q2, &q2); r = dd_add_dd_d(dd_create(q1, q2), q3); return r; } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_div(const double2 a, const double2 b) { return dd_accurate_div(a, b); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_div_d_d(double a, double b) { return dd_accurate_div(dd_create_d(a), dd_create_d(b)); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_div_dd_d(const double2 a, double b) { return dd_accurate_div(a, dd_create_d(b)); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_div_d_dd(double a, const double2 b) { return dd_accurate_div(dd_create_d(a), b); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_inv(const double2 a) { return dd_div(DD_C_ONE, a); } /********** Remainder **********/ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_drem(const double2 a, const double2 b) { double2 n = dd_nint(dd_div(a, b)); return dd_sub(a, dd_mul(n, b)); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_divrem(const double2 a, const double2 b, double2 *r) { double2 n = dd_nint(dd_div(a, b)); *r = dd_sub(a, dd_mul(n, b)); return n; } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_fmod(const double2 a, const double2 b) { double2 n = dd_aint(dd_div(a, b)); return dd_sub(a, dd_mul(b, n)); } /*********** Squaring **********/ static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_sqr(const double2 a) { double p1, p2; double s1, s2; p1 = two_sqr(a.x[0], &p2); p2 += 2.0 * a.x[0] * a.x[1]; p2 += a.x[1] * a.x[1]; s1 = quick_two_sum(p1, p2, &s2); return dd_create(s1, s2); } static NPY_INLINE double2 dd_sqr_d(double a) { double p1, p2; p1 = two_sqr(a, &p2); return dd_create(p1, p2); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _DD_REAL_IDEFS_H_ */