SUBROUTINE dinvr(status,x,fx,qleft,qhi) C********************************************************************** C C SUBROUTINE DINVR(STATUS, X, FX, QLEFT, QHI) C Double precision C bounds the zero of the function and invokes zror C Reverse Communication C C C Function C C C Bounds the function and invokes ZROR to perform the zero C finding. STINVR must have been called before this routine C in order to set its parameters. C C C Arguments C C C STATUS <--> At the beginning of a zero finding problem, STATUS C should be set to 0 and INVR invoked. (The value C of parameters other than X will be ignored on this cal C C When INVR needs the function evaluated, it will set C STATUS to 1 and return. The value of the function C should be set in FX and INVR again called without C changing any of its other parameters. C C When INVR has finished without error, it will return C with STATUS 0. In that case X is approximately a root C of F(X). C C If INVR cannot bound the function, it returns status C -1 and sets QLEFT and QHI. C INTEGER STATUS C C X <-- The value of X at which F(X) is to be evaluated. C DOUBLE PRECISION X C C FX --> The value of F(X) calculated when INVR returns with C STATUS = 1. C DOUBLE PRECISION FX C C QLEFT <-- Defined only if QMFINV returns .FALSE. In that C case it is .TRUE. If the stepping search terminated C unsuccessfully at SMALL. If it is .FALSE. the search C terminated unsuccessfully at BIG. C QLEFT is LOGICAL C C QHI <-- Defined only if QMFINV returns .FALSE. In that C case it is .TRUE. if F(X) .GT. Y at the termination C of the search and .FALSE. if F(X) .LT. Y at the C termination of the search. C QHI is LOGICAL C C********************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE C .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION fx,x,zabsst,zabsto,zbig,zrelst,zrelto,zsmall, + zstpmu INTEGER status LOGICAL qhi,qleft C .. C .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION absstp,abstol,big,fbig,fsmall,relstp,reltol, + small,step,stpmul,xhi,xlb,xlo,xsave,xub,yy,zx,zy, + zz INTEGER i99999 LOGICAL qbdd,qcond,qdum1,qdum2,qincr,qlim,qok,qup C .. C .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL dstzr,dzror C .. C .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC abs,max,min C .. C .. Statement Functions .. LOGICAL qxmon C .. C .. Save statement .. SAVE C .. C .. Statement Function definitions .. qxmon(zx,zy,zz) = zx .LE. zy .AND. zy .LE. zz C .. C .. Executable Statements .. IF (status.GT.0) GO TO 310 qcond = .NOT. qxmon(small,x,big) IF (qcond) STOP ' SMALL, X, BIG not monotone in INVR' xsave = x C C See that SMALL and BIG bound the zero and set QINCR C x = small C GET-FUNCTION-VALUE ASSIGN 10 TO i99999 GO TO 300 10 fsmall = fx x = big C GET-FUNCTION-VALUE ASSIGN 20 TO i99999 GO TO 300 20 fbig = fx qincr = fbig .GT. fsmall IF (.NOT. (qincr)) GO TO 50 IF (fsmall.LE.0.0D0) GO TO 30 status = -1 qleft = .TRUE. qhi = .TRUE. RETURN 30 IF (fbig.GE.0.0D0) GO TO 40 status = -1 qleft = .FALSE. qhi = .FALSE. RETURN 40 GO TO 80 50 IF (fsmall.GE.0.0D0) GO TO 60 status = -1 qleft = .TRUE. qhi = .FALSE. RETURN 60 IF (fbig.LE.0.0D0) GO TO 70 status = -1 qleft = .FALSE. qhi = .TRUE. RETURN 70 CONTINUE 80 x = xsave step = max(absstp,relstp*abs(x)) C YY = F(X) - Y C GET-FUNCTION-VALUE ASSIGN 90 TO i99999 GO TO 300 90 yy = fx IF (.NOT. (yy.EQ.0.0D0)) GO TO 100 status = 0 qok = .TRUE. RETURN 100 qup = (qincr .AND. (yy.LT.0.0D0)) .OR. + (.NOT.qincr .AND. (yy.GT.0.0D0)) C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C C HANDLE CASE IN WHICH WE MUST STEP HIGHER C C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IF (.NOT. (qup)) GO TO 170 xlb = xsave xub = min(xlb+step,big) GO TO 120 110 IF (qcond) GO TO 150 C YY = F(XUB) - Y 120 x = xub C GET-FUNCTION-VALUE ASSIGN 130 TO i99999 GO TO 300 130 yy = fx qbdd = (qincr .AND. (yy.GE.0.0D0)) .OR. + (.NOT.qincr .AND. (yy.LE.0.0D0)) qlim = xub .GE. big qcond = qbdd .OR. qlim IF (qcond) GO TO 140 step = stpmul*step xlb = xub xub = min(xlb+step,big) 140 GO TO 110 150 IF (.NOT. (qlim.AND..NOT.qbdd)) GO TO 160 status = -1 qleft = .FALSE. qhi = .NOT. qincr x = big RETURN 160 GO TO 240 C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C C HANDLE CASE IN WHICH WE MUST STEP LOWER C C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 170 xub = xsave xlb = max(xub-step,small) GO TO 190 180 IF (qcond) GO TO 220 C YY = F(XLB) - Y 190 x = xlb C GET-FUNCTION-VALUE ASSIGN 200 TO i99999 GO TO 300 200 yy = fx qbdd = (qincr .AND. (yy.LE.0.0D0)) .OR. + (.NOT.qincr .AND. (yy.GE.0.0D0)) qlim = xlb .LE. small qcond = qbdd .OR. qlim IF (qcond) GO TO 210 step = stpmul*step xub = xlb xlb = max(xub-step,small) 210 GO TO 180 220 IF (.NOT. (qlim.AND..NOT.qbdd)) GO TO 230 status = -1 qleft = .TRUE. qhi = qincr x = small RETURN 230 CONTINUE 240 CALL dstzr(xlb,xub,abstol,reltol) C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C C IF WE REACH HERE, XLB AND XUB BOUND THE ZERO OF F. C C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ status = 0 GO TO 260 250 IF (.NOT. (status.EQ.1)) GO TO 290 260 CALL dzror(status,x,fx,xlo,xhi,qdum1,qdum2) IF (.NOT. (status.EQ.1)) GO TO 280 C GET-FUNCTION-VALUE ASSIGN 270 TO i99999 GO TO 300 270 CONTINUE 280 GO TO 250 290 x = xlo status = 0 RETURN ENTRY dstinv(zsmall,zbig,zabsst,zrelst,zstpmu,zabsto,zrelto) C********************************************************************** C C SUBROUTINE DSTINV( SMALL, BIG, ABSSTP, RELSTP, STPMUL, C + ABSTOL, RELTOL ) C Double Precision - SeT INverse finder - Reverse Communication C C C Function C C C Concise Description - Given a monotone function F finds X C such that F(X) = Y. Uses Reverse communication -- see invr. C This routine sets quantities needed by INVR. C C More Precise Description of INVR - C C F must be a monotone function, the results of QMFINV are C otherwise undefined. QINCR must be .TRUE. if F is non- C decreasing and .FALSE. if F is non-increasing. C C QMFINV will return .TRUE. if and only if F(SMALL) and C F(BIG) bracket Y, i. e., C QINCR is .TRUE. and F(SMALL).LE.Y.LE.F(BIG) or C QINCR is .FALSE. and F(BIG).LE.Y.LE.F(SMALL) C C if QMFINV returns .TRUE., then the X returned satisfies C the following condition. let C TOL(X) = MAX(ABSTOL,RELTOL*ABS(X)) C then if QINCR is .TRUE., C F(X-TOL(X)) .LE. Y .LE. F(X+TOL(X)) C and if QINCR is .FALSE. C F(X-TOL(X)) .GE. Y .GE. F(X+TOL(X)) C C C Arguments C C C SMALL --> The left endpoint of the interval to be C searched for a solution. C SMALL is DOUBLE PRECISION C C BIG --> The right endpoint of the interval to be C searched for a solution. C BIG is DOUBLE PRECISION C C ABSSTP, RELSTP --> The initial step size in the search C is MAX(ABSSTP,RELSTP*ABS(X)). See algorithm. C ABSSTP is DOUBLE PRECISION C RELSTP is DOUBLE PRECISION C C STPMUL --> When a step doesn't bound the zero, the step C size is multiplied by STPMUL and another step C taken. A popular value is 2.0 C DOUBLE PRECISION STPMUL C C ABSTOL, RELTOL --> Two numbers that determine the accuracy C of the solution. See function for a precise definition. C ABSTOL is DOUBLE PRECISION C RELTOL is DOUBLE PRECISION C C C Method C C C Compares F(X) with Y for the input value of X then uses QINCR C to determine whether to step left or right to bound the C desired x. the initial step size is C MAX(ABSSTP,RELSTP*ABS(S)) for the input value of X. C Iteratively steps right or left until it bounds X. C At each step which doesn't bound X, the step size is doubled. C The routine is careful never to step beyond SMALL or BIG. If C it hasn't bounded X at SMALL or BIG, QMFINV returns .FALSE. C after setting QLEFT and QHI. C C If X is successfully bounded then Algorithm R of the paper C 'Two Efficient Algorithms with Guaranteed Convergence for C Finding a Zero of a Function' by J. C. P. Bus and C T. J. Dekker in ACM Transactions on Mathematical C Software, Volume 1, No. 4 page 330 (DEC. '75) is employed C to find the zero of the function F(X)-Y. This is routine C QRZERO. C C********************************************************************** C Reset all saved variables to known values absstp = 0d0 abstol = 0d0 big = 0d0 fbig = 0d0 fsmall = 0d0 relstp = 0d0 reltol = 0d0 small = 0d0 step = 0d0 stpmul = 0d0 xhi = 0d0 xlb = 0d0 xlo = 0d0 xsave = 0d0 xub = 0d0 yy = 0d0 zx = 0d0 zy = 0d0 zz = 0d0 i99999 = 0 qbdd = .FALSE. qcond = .FALSE. qdum1 = .FALSE. qdum2 = .FALSE. qincr = .FALSE. qlim = .FALSE. qok = .FALSE. qup = .FALSE. C Set initial values small = zsmall big = zbig absstp = zabsst relstp = zrelst stpmul = zstpmu abstol = zabsto reltol = zrelto RETURN STOP '*** EXECUTION FLOWING INTO FLECS PROCEDURES ***' C TO GET-FUNCTION-VALUE 300 status = 1 RETURN 310 CONTINUE GO TO i99999 END