subroutine dritzvec(which,jobu,jobv,m,n,k,dim,D,E,S,U,ldu, c V,ldv,work,in_lwrk,iwork) c c DRITZVEC: Compute Ritz-vectors corresponding to the K largest c or smallest (depending on the value of WHICH) c Ritz-values for A from the Lanczos bidiagonalization c A*V_{dim} = U_{dim+1}*B_{dim}. c c Parameters: c c WHICH: CHARACTER*1. Decides which singular triplets to compute. c If WHICH.EQ.'L' then compute triplets corresponding to the K c largest singular values. c If WHICH.EQ.'S' then compute triplets corresponding to the K c smallest singular values. c JOBU: CHARACTER*1. If JOBU.EQ.'Y' then compute the left singular vectors. c Otherwise the array U is not touched. c JOBV: CHARACTER*1. If JOBV.EQ.'Y' then compute the right singular c vectors. Otherwise the array V is not touched. c M: INTEGER. Number of rows of A. c N: INTEGER. Number of columns of A. c K: INTEGER. Number of desired singular triplets. K <= MIN(DIM,M,N) c DIM: INTEGER. Dimension of the Krylov subspace. c D(DIM): DOUBLE PRECISION array. Contains the diagonal of B. c E(DIM): DOUBLE PRECISION array. Contains the first sub-diagonal of B. c S(K): DOUBLE PRECISION array. On return S contains approximation c to the K largest or smallest (depending on the c value of WHICH) singular values of A. c U(LDU,DIM+1): DOUBLE PRECISION array. On return the first K columns of U c will contain approximations to the left singular vectors c corresponding to the K largest or smallest (depending on the c value of WHICH) singular values of A. c On entry the first column of U contains the starting vector c for the Lanczos bidiagonalization. A random starting vector c is used if U is zero. c LDU: INTEGER. Leading dimension of the array U. LDV >= M. c V(LDV,DIM): DOUBLE PRECISION array. On return the first K columns of V c will contain approximations to the right singular vectors c corresponding to the K largest or smallest (depending on the c value of WHICH) singular values of A. c LDV: INTEGER. Leading dimension of the array V. LDV >= N. c WORK(LWORK): DOUBLE PRECISION array. Workspace of dimension LWORK. c IN_LWORK: INTEGER. Dimension of WORK. c LWORK should be at least 3*DIM**2 + c MAX(3*DIM**2+4*DIM+4, NB*MAX(M,N)), where NB>0 is a block c size, which determines how large a fraction of the work in c setting up the singular vectors is done using fast BLAS-3 c operations. NB should probably be at least 32 to achieve good c performance. c IWORK(8*DIM): INTEGER array. Integer workspace of dimension >= 8*DIM. c c (C) Rasmus Munk Larsen, Stanford University, 2004 c c %-----------% c | Arguments | c %-----------% implicit none include 'stat.h' character*1 which, jobu,jobv integer m,n,k,dim,ldu,ldv,in_lwrk,iwork(*) double precision U(ldu,*),V(ldv,*),D(*),E(*),S(*),work(*) c %------------% c | Parameters | c %------------% double precision one, zero parameter(one = 1.0, zero = 0.0) c %-----------------% c | Local variables | c %-----------------% integer lwrk, mstart integer ip,iqt,imt,iwrk,id(1),info double precision c1,c2,dd(1) real t0,t1 integer st,cnk,wst,wcnk, tid, nt c %--------------------% c | External Functions | c %--------------------% logical lsame external lsame, dbdqr, dbdsdc, dgemm_ovwr_left #ifdef _OPENMP integer omp_get_thread_num, omp_get_num_threads external omp_get_thread_num, omp_get_num_threads #endif c-------------------- Here begins executable code --------------------- c %----------------------------------------------------------------------% c | The bidiagonal SVD is computed in a two-stage procedure: c | c | 1. Compute a QR-factorization M^T*B = [R; 0] of the (k+1)-by-k lower c | bidiagonal matrix B. c | 2. Compute the SVD of the k-by-k upper bidiagonal matrix c | R = P*S*Q^T. The SVD of B is then (M*P)*S*Q^T. c %----------------------------------------------------------------------% call second(t0) c %-----------------------------------------% c | Set pointers into workspace array c %-----------------------------------------% iwrk = 1 lwrk = in_lwrk imt = 1 iqt = imt + (dim+1)**2 ip = iqt + dim**2 iwrk = ip + dim**2 lwrk = lwrk - iwrk + 1 c %-----------------------------------------% c | Compute QR-factorization c | B = M * [R; 0] c %-----------------------------------------% call dbdqr((dim.eq.min(m,n)),jobu,dim,D,E,c1,c2,work(imt),dim+1) c %-----------------------------------------% c | Compute SVD of R: c | R = P * S * Q^T, c | using the Divide-and-conquer SVD c %-----------------------------------------% call dbdsdc('u','I',dim,D,E,work(ip),dim,work(iqt),dim,dd,id, c work(iwrk),iwork,info) c %-----------------------------------------% c | Compute left singular vectors for B c | X = P^T * M^T c %-----------------------------------------% call dgemm_ovwr('t',dim,dim+1,dim,1d0,work(ip),dim,0d0, c work(imt),dim+1,work(iwrk),lwrk) if (lsame(jobu,'y')) then c %-----------------------------------------% c | Form left Ritz-vectors | c | U = U * X^T | c %-----------------------------------------% if (lsame(which,'s')) then mstart = dim-k+1 else mstart = 1 endif #ifdef _OPENMP c$OMP PARALLEL private(tid,nt,cnk,st,wcnk,wst) tid = omp_get_thread_num() nt = omp_get_num_threads() #else tid = 0 nt = 1 #endif wcnk = lwrk/nt wst = tid*wcnk+1 cnk = m/nt st = tid*cnk+1 if (tid.eq.nt-1) then wcnk = lwrk-wst+1 cnk = m-st+1 endif call dgemm_ovwr_left('t',cnk,k,dim+1,1d0,U(st,1), c ldu,0d0,work(imt+mstart-1),dim+1,work(iwrk+wst-1),wcnk) #ifdef _OPENMP c$OMP END PARALLEL #endif endif if (lsame(jobv,'y')) then if (lsame(which,'s')) then mstart = dim-k+1 else mstart = 1 endif c %-----------------------------------------% c | Form right Ritz-vectors c | V = V * Q c %-----------------------------------------% #ifdef _OPENMP c$OMP PARALLEL private(tid,nt,cnk,st,wcnk,wst) tid = omp_get_thread_num() nt = omp_get_num_threads() #else tid = 0 nt = 1 #endif wcnk = lwrk/nt wst = tid*wcnk+1 cnk = n/nt st = tid*cnk+1 if (tid.eq.nt-1) then wcnk = lwrk-wst+1 cnk = n-st+1 endif call dgemm_ovwr_left('t',cnk,k,dim,1d0,V(st,1),ldv,0d0, c work(iqt+mstart-1),dim,work(iwrk+wst-1),wcnk) #ifdef _OPENMP c$OMP END PARALLEL #endif endif call second(t1) tritzvec = t1-t0 end