c c (C) Rasmus Munk Larsen, Stanford University, 2004 c c c DGETU0: Attempt to generate a pseudo-random vector in SPAN(Op(A)) c orthogonal to span(U(:,1:j)), where Op(A) = A if transa='n' and c Op(A) = A^T if transa='t'. c subroutine dgetu0(transa, m, n, j, ntry, u0, u0norm, U, ldu, c aprod, dparm, iparm, ierr, icgs, anormest, work) c %-----------% c | Arguments | c %-----------% implicit none include 'stat.h' character*1 transa integer m, n, j, ntry, ldu, ierr,icgs integer iparm(*) double precision u0norm,anormest double precision u0(*),U(*),work(*),dparm(*) external aprod c %------------% c | Parameters | c %------------% double precision kappa parameter(kappa = 0.717) c %-----------------% c | Local variables | c %-----------------% integer itry,idist,iseed(4),rsize,usize,index(3) double precision nrm real t1,t2,t3 c %--------------------% c | External Functions | c %--------------------% logical lsame double precision pdnrm2,rand external pdnrm2,lsame,rand c-------------------- Here begins executable code --------------------- call second(t1) iseed(1) = 1 iseed(2) = 3 iseed(3) = 5 iseed(4) = 7 if (lsame(transa,'n')) then c %-------------------------% c | u0 is to be an m-vector | c %-------------------------% rsize = n usize = m else c %-------------------------% c | u0 is to be an n-vector | c %-------------------------% rsize = m usize = n endif idist = 2 ierr = 0 do itry=1,ntry call dlarnv(idist, iseed, rsize, work) nrm = pdnrm2(rsize,work,1) call second(t2) call aprod(transa,m,n,work,u0,dparm,iparm) call second(t3) tmvopx = tmvopx + (t3-t2) nopx = nopx+1 u0norm = pdnrm2(usize,u0,1) anormest = u0norm/nrm if (j.ge.1) then index(1) = 1 index(2) = j index(3) = j+1 call dreorth(usize,j,U,ldu,u0,u0norm,index,kappa, c work,icgs) endif if (u0norm.gt.0) goto 9999 enddo ierr = -1 9999 call second(t2) tgetu0 = tgetu0 + (t2-t1) return end