/*! \file Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from U.S. Dept. of Energy) All rights reserved. The source code is distributed under BSD license, see the file License.txt at the top-level directory. */ /*! @file ilu_zpanel_dfs.c * \brief Peforms a symbolic factorization on a panel of symbols and * record the entries with maximum absolute value in each column * * <pre> * -- SuperLU routine (version 4.0) -- * Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * June 30, 2009 * </pre> */ #include "slu_zdefs.h" /*! \brief * * <pre> * Purpose * ======= * * Performs a symbolic factorization on a panel of columns [jcol, jcol+w). * * A supernode representative is the last column of a supernode. * The nonzeros in U[*,j] are segments that end at supernodal * representatives. * * The routine returns one list of the supernodal representatives * in topological order of the dfs that generates them. This list is * a superset of the topological order of each individual column within * the panel. * The location of the first nonzero in each supernodal segment * (supernodal entry location) is also returned. Each column has a * separate list for this purpose. * * Two marker arrays are used for dfs: * marker[i] == jj, if i was visited during dfs of current column jj; * marker1[i] >= jcol, if i was visited by earlier columns in this panel; * * marker: A-row --> A-row/col (0/1) * repfnz: SuperA-col --> PA-row * parent: SuperA-col --> SuperA-col * xplore: SuperA-col --> index to L-structure * </pre> */ void ilu_zpanel_dfs( const int m, /* in - number of rows in the matrix */ const int w, /* in */ const int jcol, /* in */ SuperMatrix *A, /* in - original matrix */ int *perm_r, /* in */ int *nseg, /* out */ doublecomplex *dense, /* out */ double *amax, /* out - max. abs. value of each column in panel */ int *panel_lsub, /* out */ int *segrep, /* out */ int *repfnz, /* out */ int *marker, /* out */ int *parent, /* working array */ int *xplore, /* working array */ GlobalLU_t *Glu /* modified */ ) { NCPformat *Astore; doublecomplex *a; int *asub; int *xa_begin, *xa_end; int krep, chperm, chmark, chrep, oldrep, kchild, myfnz; int k, krow, kmark, kperm; int xdfs, maxdfs, kpar; int jj; /* index through each column in the panel */ int *marker1; /* marker1[jj] >= jcol if vertex jj was visited by a previous column within this panel. */ int *repfnz_col; /* start of each column in the panel */ doublecomplex *dense_col; /* start of each column in the panel */ int nextl_col; /* next available position in panel_lsub[*,jj] */ int *xsup, *supno; int *lsub, *xlsub; double *amax_col; register double tmp; /* Initialize pointers */ Astore = A->Store; a = Astore->nzval; asub = Astore->rowind; xa_begin = Astore->colbeg; xa_end = Astore->colend; marker1 = marker + m; repfnz_col = repfnz; dense_col = dense; amax_col = amax; *nseg = 0; xsup = Glu->xsup; supno = Glu->supno; lsub = Glu->lsub; xlsub = Glu->xlsub; /* For each column in the panel */ for (jj = jcol; jj < jcol + w; jj++) { nextl_col = (jj - jcol) * m; #ifdef CHK_DFS printf("\npanel col %d: ", jj); #endif *amax_col = 0.0; /* For each nonz in A[*,jj] do dfs */ for (k = xa_begin[jj]; k < xa_end[jj]; k++) { krow = asub[k]; tmp = z_abs1(&a[k]); if (tmp > *amax_col) *amax_col = tmp; dense_col[krow] = a[k]; kmark = marker[krow]; if ( kmark == jj ) continue; /* krow visited before, go to the next nonzero */ /* For each unmarked nbr krow of jj * krow is in L: place it in structure of L[*,jj] */ marker[krow] = jj; kperm = perm_r[krow]; if ( kperm == EMPTY ) { panel_lsub[nextl_col++] = krow; /* krow is indexed into A */ } /* * krow is in U: if its supernode-rep krep * has been explored, update repfnz[*] */ else { krep = xsup[supno[kperm]+1] - 1; myfnz = repfnz_col[krep]; #ifdef CHK_DFS printf("krep %d, myfnz %d, perm_r[%d] %d\n", krep, myfnz, krow, kperm); #endif if ( myfnz != EMPTY ) { /* Representative visited before */ if ( myfnz > kperm ) repfnz_col[krep] = kperm; /* continue; */ } else { /* Otherwise, perform dfs starting at krep */ oldrep = EMPTY; parent[krep] = oldrep; repfnz_col[krep] = kperm; xdfs = xlsub[xsup[supno[krep]]]; maxdfs = xlsub[krep + 1]; #ifdef CHK_DFS printf(" xdfs %d, maxdfs %d: ", xdfs, maxdfs); for (i = xdfs; i < maxdfs; i++) printf(" %d", lsub[i]); printf("\n"); #endif do { /* * For each unmarked kchild of krep */ while ( xdfs < maxdfs ) { kchild = lsub[xdfs]; xdfs++; chmark = marker[kchild]; if ( chmark != jj ) { /* Not reached yet */ marker[kchild] = jj; chperm = perm_r[kchild]; /* Case kchild is in L: place it in L[*,j] */ if ( chperm == EMPTY ) { panel_lsub[nextl_col++] = kchild; } /* Case kchild is in U: * chrep = its supernode-rep. If its rep has * been explored, update its repfnz[*] */ else { chrep = xsup[supno[chperm]+1] - 1; myfnz = repfnz_col[chrep]; #ifdef CHK_DFS printf("chrep %d,myfnz %d,perm_r[%d] %d\n",chrep,myfnz,kchild,chperm); #endif if ( myfnz != EMPTY ) { /* Visited before */ if ( myfnz > chperm ) repfnz_col[chrep] = chperm; } else { /* Cont. dfs at snode-rep of kchild */ xplore[krep] = xdfs; oldrep = krep; krep = chrep; /* Go deeper down G(L) */ parent[krep] = oldrep; repfnz_col[krep] = chperm; xdfs = xlsub[xsup[supno[krep]]]; maxdfs = xlsub[krep + 1]; #ifdef CHK_DFS printf(" xdfs %d, maxdfs %d: ", xdfs, maxdfs); for (i = xdfs; i < maxdfs; i++) printf(" %d", lsub[i]); printf("\n"); #endif } /* else */ } /* else */ } /* if... */ } /* while xdfs < maxdfs */ /* krow has no more unexplored nbrs: * Place snode-rep krep in postorder DFS, if this * segment is seen for the first time. (Note that * "repfnz[krep]" may change later.) * Backtrack dfs to its parent. */ if ( marker1[krep] < jcol ) { segrep[*nseg] = krep; ++(*nseg); marker1[krep] = jj; } kpar = parent[krep]; /* Pop stack, mimic recursion */ if ( kpar == EMPTY ) break; /* dfs done */ krep = kpar; xdfs = xplore[krep]; maxdfs = xlsub[krep + 1]; #ifdef CHK_DFS printf(" pop stack: krep %d,xdfs %d,maxdfs %d: ", krep,xdfs,maxdfs); for (i = xdfs; i < maxdfs; i++) printf(" %d", lsub[i]); printf("\n"); #endif } while ( kpar != EMPTY ); /* do-while - until empty stack */ } /* else */ } /* else */ } /* for each nonz in A[*,jj] */ repfnz_col += m; /* Move to next column */ dense_col += m; amax_col++; } /* for jj ... */ }