""" Code generator script to make the Cython BLAS and LAPACK wrappers from the files "cython_blas_signatures.txt" and "cython_lapack_signatures.txt" which contain the signatures for all the BLAS/LAPACK routines that should be included in the wrappers. """ from collections import defaultdict from operator import itemgetter import os from stat import ST_MTIME import argparse BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) fortran_types = {'int': 'integer', 'c': 'complex', 'd': 'double precision', 's': 'real', 'z': 'complex*16', 'char': 'character', 'bint': 'logical'} c_types = {'int': 'int', 'c': 'npy_complex64', 'd': 'double', 's': 'float', 'z': 'npy_complex128', 'char': 'char', 'bint': 'int', 'cselect1': '_cselect1', 'cselect2': '_cselect2', 'dselect2': '_dselect2', 'dselect3': '_dselect3', 'sselect2': '_sselect2', 'sselect3': '_sselect3', 'zselect1': '_zselect1', 'zselect2': '_zselect2'} def arg_names_and_types(args): return zip(*[arg.split(' *') for arg in args.split(', ')]) pyx_func_template = """ cdef extern from "{header_name}": void _fortran_{name} "F_FUNC({name}wrp, {upname}WRP)"({ret_type} *out, {fort_args}) nogil cdef {ret_type} {name}({args}) nogil: cdef {ret_type} out _fortran_{name}(&out, {argnames}) return out """ npy_types = {'c': 'npy_complex64', 'z': 'npy_complex128', 'cselect1': '_cselect1', 'cselect2': '_cselect2', 'dselect2': '_dselect2', 'dselect3': '_dselect3', 'sselect2': '_sselect2', 'sselect3': '_sselect3', 'zselect1': '_zselect1', 'zselect2': '_zselect2'} def arg_casts(arg): if arg in ['npy_complex64', 'npy_complex128', '_cselect1', '_cselect2', '_dselect2', '_dselect3', '_sselect2', '_sselect3', '_zselect1', '_zselect2']: return '<{0}*>'.format(arg) return '' def pyx_decl_func(name, ret_type, args, header_name): argtypes, argnames = arg_names_and_types(args) # Fix the case where one of the arguments has the same name as the # abbreviation for the argument type. # Otherwise the variable passed as an argument is considered overwrites # the previous typedef and Cython compilation fails. if ret_type in argnames: argnames = [n if n != ret_type else ret_type + '_' for n in argnames] argnames = [n if n not in ['lambda', 'in'] else n + '_' for n in argnames] args = ', '.join([' *'.join([n, t]) for n, t in zip(argtypes, argnames)]) argtypes = [npy_types.get(t, t) for t in argtypes] fort_args = ', '.join([' *'.join([n, t]) for n, t in zip(argtypes, argnames)]) argnames = [arg_casts(t) + n for n, t in zip(argnames, argtypes)] argnames = ', '.join(argnames) c_ret_type = c_types[ret_type] args = args.replace('lambda', 'lambda_') return pyx_func_template.format(name=name, upname=name.upper(), args=args, fort_args=fort_args, ret_type=ret_type, c_ret_type=c_ret_type, argnames=argnames, header_name=header_name) pyx_sub_template = """cdef extern from "{header_name}": void _fortran_{name} "F_FUNC({name},{upname})"({fort_args}) nogil cdef void {name}({args}) nogil: _fortran_{name}({argnames}) """ def pyx_decl_sub(name, args, header_name): argtypes, argnames = arg_names_and_types(args) argtypes = [npy_types.get(t, t) for t in argtypes] argnames = [n if n not in ['lambda', 'in'] else n + '_' for n in argnames] fort_args = ', '.join([' *'.join([n, t]) for n, t in zip(argtypes, argnames)]) argnames = [arg_casts(t) + n for n, t in zip(argnames, argtypes)] argnames = ', '.join(argnames) args = args.replace('*lambda,', '*lambda_,').replace('*in,', '*in_,') return pyx_sub_template.format(name=name, upname=name.upper(), args=args, fort_args=fort_args, argnames=argnames, header_name=header_name) blas_pyx_preamble = '''# cython: boundscheck = False # cython: wraparound = False # cython: cdivision = True """ BLAS Functions for Cython ========================= Usable from Cython via:: cimport scipy.linalg.cython_blas These wrappers do not check for alignment of arrays. Alignment should be checked before these wrappers are used. Raw function pointers (Fortran-style pointer arguments): - {} """ # Within SciPy, these wrappers can be used via relative or absolute cimport. # Examples: # from ..linalg cimport cython_blas # from scipy.linalg cimport cython_blas # cimport scipy.linalg.cython_blas as cython_blas # cimport ..linalg.cython_blas as cython_blas # Within SciPy, if BLAS functions are needed in C/C++/Fortran, # these wrappers should not be used. # The original libraries should be linked directly. cdef extern from "fortran_defs.h": pass from numpy cimport npy_complex64, npy_complex128 ''' def make_blas_pyx_preamble(all_sigs): names = [sig[0] for sig in all_sigs] return blas_pyx_preamble.format("\n- ".join(names)) lapack_pyx_preamble = '''""" LAPACK functions for Cython =========================== Usable from Cython via:: cimport scipy.linalg.cython_lapack This module provides Cython-level wrappers for all primary routines included in LAPACK 3.4.0 except for ``zcgesv`` since its interface is not consistent from LAPACK 3.4.0 to 3.6.0. It also provides some of the fixed-api auxiliary routines. These wrappers do not check for alignment of arrays. Alignment should be checked before these wrappers are used. Raw function pointers (Fortran-style pointer arguments): - {} """ # Within SciPy, these wrappers can be used via relative or absolute cimport. # Examples: # from ..linalg cimport cython_lapack # from scipy.linalg cimport cython_lapack # cimport scipy.linalg.cython_lapack as cython_lapack # cimport ..linalg.cython_lapack as cython_lapack # Within SciPy, if LAPACK functions are needed in C/C++/Fortran, # these wrappers should not be used. # The original libraries should be linked directly. cdef extern from "fortran_defs.h": pass from numpy cimport npy_complex64, npy_complex128 cdef extern from "_lapack_subroutines.h": # Function pointer type declarations for # gees and gges families of functions. ctypedef bint _cselect1(npy_complex64*) ctypedef bint _cselect2(npy_complex64*, npy_complex64*) ctypedef bint _dselect2(d*, d*) ctypedef bint _dselect3(d*, d*, d*) ctypedef bint _sselect2(s*, s*) ctypedef bint _sselect3(s*, s*, s*) ctypedef bint _zselect1(npy_complex128*) ctypedef bint _zselect2(npy_complex128*, npy_complex128*) ''' def make_lapack_pyx_preamble(all_sigs): names = [sig[0] for sig in all_sigs] return lapack_pyx_preamble.format("\n- ".join(names)) blas_py_wrappers = """ # Python-accessible wrappers for testing: cdef inline bint _is_contiguous(double[:,:] a, int axis) nogil: return (a.strides[axis] == sizeof(a[0,0]) or a.shape[axis] == 1) cpdef float complex _test_cdotc(float complex[:] cx, float complex[:] cy) nogil: cdef: int n = cx.shape[0] int incx = cx.strides[0] // sizeof(cx[0]) int incy = cy.strides[0] // sizeof(cy[0]) return cdotc(&n, &cx[0], &incx, &cy[0], &incy) cpdef float complex _test_cdotu(float complex[:] cx, float complex[:] cy) nogil: cdef: int n = cx.shape[0] int incx = cx.strides[0] // sizeof(cx[0]) int incy = cy.strides[0] // sizeof(cy[0]) return cdotu(&n, &cx[0], &incx, &cy[0], &incy) cpdef double _test_dasum(double[:] dx) nogil: cdef: int n = dx.shape[0] int incx = dx.strides[0] // sizeof(dx[0]) return dasum(&n, &dx[0], &incx) cpdef double _test_ddot(double[:] dx, double[:] dy) nogil: cdef: int n = dx.shape[0] int incx = dx.strides[0] // sizeof(dx[0]) int incy = dy.strides[0] // sizeof(dy[0]) return ddot(&n, &dx[0], &incx, &dy[0], &incy) cpdef int _test_dgemm(double alpha, double[:,:] a, double[:,:] b, double beta, double[:,:] c) nogil except -1: cdef: char *transa char *transb int m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldc double *a0=&a[0,0] double *b0=&b[0,0] double *c0=&c[0,0] # In the case that c is C contiguous, swap a and b and # swap whether or not each of them is transposed. # This can be done because a.dot(b) = b.T.dot(a.T).T. if _is_contiguous(c, 1): if _is_contiguous(a, 1): transb = 'n' ldb = (&a[1,0]) - a0 if a.shape[0] > 1 else 1 elif _is_contiguous(a, 0): transb = 't' ldb = (&a[0,1]) - a0 if a.shape[1] > 1 else 1 else: with gil: raise ValueError("Input 'a' is neither C nor Fortran contiguous.") if _is_contiguous(b, 1): transa = 'n' lda = (&b[1,0]) - b0 if b.shape[0] > 1 else 1 elif _is_contiguous(b, 0): transa = 't' lda = (&b[0,1]) - b0 if b.shape[1] > 1 else 1 else: with gil: raise ValueError("Input 'b' is neither C nor Fortran contiguous.") k = b.shape[0] if k != a.shape[1]: with gil: raise ValueError("Shape mismatch in input arrays.") m = b.shape[1] n = a.shape[0] if n != c.shape[0] or m != c.shape[1]: with gil: raise ValueError("Output array does not have the correct shape.") ldc = (&c[1,0]) - c0 if c.shape[0] > 1 else 1 dgemm(transa, transb, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, b0, &lda, a0, &ldb, &beta, c0, &ldc) elif _is_contiguous(c, 0): if _is_contiguous(a, 1): transa = 't' lda = (&a[1,0]) - a0 if a.shape[0] > 1 else 1 elif _is_contiguous(a, 0): transa = 'n' lda = (&a[0,1]) - a0 if a.shape[1] > 1 else 1 else: with gil: raise ValueError("Input 'a' is neither C nor Fortran contiguous.") if _is_contiguous(b, 1): transb = 't' ldb = (&b[1,0]) - b0 if b.shape[0] > 1 else 1 elif _is_contiguous(b, 0): transb = 'n' ldb = (&b[0,1]) - b0 if b.shape[1] > 1 else 1 else: with gil: raise ValueError("Input 'b' is neither C nor Fortran contiguous.") m = a.shape[0] k = a.shape[1] if k != b.shape[0]: with gil: raise ValueError("Shape mismatch in input arrays.") n = b.shape[1] if m != c.shape[0] or n != c.shape[1]: with gil: raise ValueError("Output array does not have the correct shape.") ldc = (&c[0,1]) - c0 if c.shape[1] > 1 else 1 dgemm(transa, transb, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, a0, &lda, b0, &ldb, &beta, c0, &ldc) else: with gil: raise ValueError("Input 'c' is neither C nor Fortran contiguous.") return 0 cpdef double _test_dnrm2(double[:] x) nogil: cdef: int n = x.shape[0] int incx = x.strides[0] // sizeof(x[0]) return dnrm2(&n, &x[0], &incx) cpdef double _test_dzasum(double complex[:] zx) nogil: cdef: int n = zx.shape[0] int incx = zx.strides[0] // sizeof(zx[0]) return dzasum(&n, &zx[0], &incx) cpdef double _test_dznrm2(double complex[:] x) nogil: cdef: int n = x.shape[0] int incx = x.strides[0] // sizeof(x[0]) return dznrm2(&n, &x[0], &incx) cpdef int _test_icamax(float complex[:] cx) nogil: cdef: int n = cx.shape[0] int incx = cx.strides[0] // sizeof(cx[0]) return icamax(&n, &cx[0], &incx) cpdef int _test_idamax(double[:] dx) nogil: cdef: int n = dx.shape[0] int incx = dx.strides[0] // sizeof(dx[0]) return idamax(&n, &dx[0], &incx) cpdef int _test_isamax(float[:] sx) nogil: cdef: int n = sx.shape[0] int incx = sx.strides[0] // sizeof(sx[0]) return isamax(&n, &sx[0], &incx) cpdef int _test_izamax(double complex[:] zx) nogil: cdef: int n = zx.shape[0] int incx = zx.strides[0] // sizeof(zx[0]) return izamax(&n, &zx[0], &incx) cpdef float _test_sasum(float[:] sx) nogil: cdef: int n = sx.shape[0] int incx = sx.shape[0] // sizeof(sx[0]) return sasum(&n, &sx[0], &incx) cpdef float _test_scasum(float complex[:] cx) nogil: cdef: int n = cx.shape[0] int incx = cx.strides[0] // sizeof(cx[0]) return scasum(&n, &cx[0], &incx) cpdef float _test_scnrm2(float complex[:] x) nogil: cdef: int n = x.shape[0] int incx = x.strides[0] // sizeof(x[0]) return scnrm2(&n, &x[0], &incx) cpdef float _test_sdot(float[:] sx, float[:] sy) nogil: cdef: int n = sx.shape[0] int incx = sx.strides[0] // sizeof(sx[0]) int incy = sy.strides[0] // sizeof(sy[0]) return sdot(&n, &sx[0], &incx, &sy[0], &incy) cpdef float _test_snrm2(float[:] x) nogil: cdef: int n = x.shape[0] int incx = x.shape[0] // sizeof(x[0]) return snrm2(&n, &x[0], &incx) cpdef double complex _test_zdotc(double complex[:] zx, double complex[:] zy) nogil: cdef: int n = zx.shape[0] int incx = zx.strides[0] // sizeof(zx[0]) int incy = zy.strides[0] // sizeof(zy[0]) return zdotc(&n, &zx[0], &incx, &zy[0], &incy) cpdef double complex _test_zdotu(double complex[:] zx, double complex[:] zy) nogil: cdef: int n = zx.shape[0] int incx = zx.strides[0] // sizeof(zx[0]) int incy = zy.strides[0] // sizeof(zy[0]) return zdotu(&n, &zx[0], &incx, &zy[0], &incy) """ def generate_blas_pyx(func_sigs, sub_sigs, all_sigs, header_name): funcs = "\n".join(pyx_decl_func(*(s+(header_name,))) for s in func_sigs) subs = "\n" + "\n".join(pyx_decl_sub(*(s[::2]+(header_name,))) for s in sub_sigs) return make_blas_pyx_preamble(all_sigs) + funcs + subs + blas_py_wrappers lapack_py_wrappers = """ # Python accessible wrappers for testing: def _test_dlamch(cmach): # This conversion is necessary to handle Python 3 strings. cmach_bytes = bytes(cmach) # Now that it is a bytes representation, a non-temporary variable # must be passed as a part of the function call. cdef char* cmach_char = cmach_bytes return dlamch(cmach_char) def _test_slamch(cmach): # This conversion is necessary to handle Python 3 strings. cmach_bytes = bytes(cmach) # Now that it is a bytes representation, a non-temporary variable # must be passed as a part of the function call. cdef char* cmach_char = cmach_bytes return slamch(cmach_char) """ def generate_lapack_pyx(func_sigs, sub_sigs, all_sigs, header_name): funcs = "\n".join(pyx_decl_func(*(s+(header_name,))) for s in func_sigs) subs = "\n" + "\n".join(pyx_decl_sub(*(s[::2]+(header_name,))) for s in sub_sigs) preamble = make_lapack_pyx_preamble(all_sigs) return preamble + funcs + subs + lapack_py_wrappers pxd_template = """ctypedef {ret_type} {name}_t({args}) nogil cdef {name}_t *{name}_f """ pxd_template = """cdef {ret_type} {name}({args}) nogil """ def pxd_decl(name, ret_type, args): args = args.replace('lambda', 'lambda_').replace('*in,', '*in_,') return pxd_template.format(name=name, ret_type=ret_type, args=args) blas_pxd_preamble = """# Within scipy, these wrappers can be used via relative or absolute cimport. # Examples: # from ..linalg cimport cython_blas # from scipy.linalg cimport cython_blas # cimport scipy.linalg.cython_blas as cython_blas # cimport ..linalg.cython_blas as cython_blas # Within SciPy, if BLAS functions are needed in C/C++/Fortran, # these wrappers should not be used. # The original libraries should be linked directly. ctypedef float s ctypedef double d ctypedef float complex c ctypedef double complex z """ def generate_blas_pxd(all_sigs): body = '\n'.join(pxd_decl(*sig) for sig in all_sigs) return blas_pxd_preamble + body lapack_pxd_preamble = """# Within SciPy, these wrappers can be used via relative or absolute cimport. # Examples: # from ..linalg cimport cython_lapack # from scipy.linalg cimport cython_lapack # cimport scipy.linalg.cython_lapack as cython_lapack # cimport ..linalg.cython_lapack as cython_lapack # Within SciPy, if LAPACK functions are needed in C/C++/Fortran, # these wrappers should not be used. # The original libraries should be linked directly. ctypedef float s ctypedef double d ctypedef float complex c ctypedef double complex z # Function pointer type declarations for # gees and gges families of functions. ctypedef bint cselect1(c*) ctypedef bint cselect2(c*, c*) ctypedef bint dselect2(d*, d*) ctypedef bint dselect3(d*, d*, d*) ctypedef bint sselect2(s*, s*) ctypedef bint sselect3(s*, s*, s*) ctypedef bint zselect1(z*) ctypedef bint zselect2(z*, z*) """ def generate_lapack_pxd(all_sigs): return lapack_pxd_preamble + '\n'.join(pxd_decl(*sig) for sig in all_sigs) fortran_template = """ subroutine {name}wrp( + ret, + {argnames} + ) external {wrapper} {ret_type} {wrapper} {ret_type} ret {argdecls} ret = {wrapper}( + {argnames} + ) end """ dims = {'work': '(*)', 'ab': '(ldab,*)', 'a': '(lda,*)', 'dl': '(*)', 'd': '(*)', 'du': '(*)', 'ap': '(*)', 'e': '(*)', 'lld': '(*)'} xy_specialized_dims = {'x': '', 'y': ''} a_specialized_dims = {'a': '(*)'} special_cases = defaultdict(dict, ladiv = xy_specialized_dims, lanhf = a_specialized_dims, lansf = a_specialized_dims, lapy2 = xy_specialized_dims, lapy3 = xy_specialized_dims) def process_fortran_name(name, funcname): if 'inc' in name: return name special = special_cases[funcname[1:]] if 'x' in name or 'y' in name: suffix = special.get(name, '(n)') else: suffix = special.get(name, '') return name + suffix def called_name(name): included = ['cdotc', 'cdotu', 'zdotc', 'zdotu', 'cladiv', 'zladiv'] if name in included: return "w" + name return name def fort_subroutine_wrapper(name, ret_type, args): wrapper = called_name(name) types, names = arg_names_and_types(args) argnames = ',\n + '.join(names) names = [process_fortran_name(n, name) for n in names] argdecls = '\n '.join('{0} {1}'.format(fortran_types[t], n) for n, t in zip(names, types)) return fortran_template.format(name=name, wrapper=wrapper, argnames=argnames, argdecls=argdecls, ret_type=fortran_types[ret_type]) def generate_fortran(func_sigs): return "\n".join(fort_subroutine_wrapper(*sig) for sig in func_sigs) def make_c_args(args): types, names = arg_names_and_types(args) types = [c_types[arg] for arg in types] return ', '.join('{0} *{1}'.format(t, n) for t, n in zip(types, names)) c_func_template = ("void F_FUNC({name}wrp, {upname}WRP)" "({return_type} *ret, {args});\n") def c_func_decl(name, return_type, args): args = make_c_args(args) return_type = c_types[return_type] return c_func_template.format(name=name, upname=name.upper(), return_type=return_type, args=args) c_sub_template = "void F_FUNC({name},{upname})({args});\n" def c_sub_decl(name, return_type, args): args = make_c_args(args) return c_sub_template.format(name=name, upname=name.upper(), args=args) c_preamble = """#ifndef SCIPY_LINALG_{lib}_FORTRAN_WRAPPERS_H #define SCIPY_LINALG_{lib}_FORTRAN_WRAPPERS_H #include "fortran_defs.h" #include "numpy/arrayobject.h" """ lapack_decls = """ typedef int (*_cselect1)(npy_complex64*); typedef int (*_cselect2)(npy_complex64*, npy_complex64*); typedef int (*_dselect2)(double*, double*); typedef int (*_dselect3)(double*, double*, double*); typedef int (*_sselect2)(float*, float*); typedef int (*_sselect3)(float*, float*, float*); typedef int (*_zselect1)(npy_complex128*); typedef int (*_zselect2)(npy_complex128*, npy_complex128*); """ cpp_guard = """ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif """ c_end = """ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif """ def generate_c_header(func_sigs, sub_sigs, all_sigs, lib_name): funcs = "".join(c_func_decl(*sig) for sig in func_sigs) subs = "\n" + "".join(c_sub_decl(*sig) for sig in sub_sigs) if lib_name == 'LAPACK': preamble = (c_preamble.format(lib=lib_name) + lapack_decls) else: preamble = c_preamble.format(lib=lib_name) return "".join([preamble, cpp_guard, funcs, subs, c_end]) def split_signature(sig): name_and_type, args = sig[:-1].split('(') ret_type, name = name_and_type.split(' ') return name, ret_type, args def filter_lines(lines): lines = [line for line in map(str.strip, lines) if line and not line.startswith('#')] func_sigs = [split_signature(line) for line in lines if line.split(' ')[0] != 'void'] sub_sigs = [split_signature(line) for line in lines if line.split(' ')[0] == 'void'] all_sigs = list(sorted(func_sigs + sub_sigs, key=itemgetter(0))) return func_sigs, sub_sigs, all_sigs def newer(source, target): """ Return true if 'source' exists and is more recently modified than 'target', or if 'source' exists and 'target' doesn't. Return false if both exist and 'target' is the same age or younger than 'source'. """ if not os.path.exists(source): raise ValueError("file '%s' does not exist" % os.path.abspath(source)) if not os.path.exists(target): return 1 mtime1 = os.stat(source)[ST_MTIME] mtime2 = os.stat(target)[ST_MTIME] return mtime1 > mtime2 def all_newer(src_files, dst_files): return all(os.path.exists(dst) and newer(dst, src) for dst in dst_files for src in src_files) def make_all(outdir, blas_signature_file="cython_blas_signatures.txt", lapack_signature_file="cython_lapack_signatures.txt", blas_name="cython_blas", lapack_name="cython_lapack", blas_fortran_name="_blas_subroutine_wrappers.f", lapack_fortran_name="_lapack_subroutine_wrappers.f", blas_header_name="_blas_subroutines.h", lapack_header_name="_lapack_subroutines.h"): src_files = (os.path.abspath(__file__), blas_signature_file, lapack_signature_file) dst_files = (blas_name + '.pyx', blas_name + '.pxd', blas_fortran_name, blas_header_name, lapack_name + '.pyx', lapack_name + '.pxd', lapack_fortran_name, lapack_header_name) dst_files = (os.path.join(outdir, f) for f in dst_files) os.chdir(BASE_DIR) if all_newer(src_files, dst_files): print("scipy/linalg/_generate_pyx.py: all files up-to-date") return comments = ["This file was generated by _generate_pyx.py.\n", "Do not edit this file directly.\n"] ccomment = ''.join(['/* ' + line.rstrip() + ' */\n' for line in comments]) + '\n' pyxcomment = ''.join(['# ' + line for line in comments]) + '\n' fcomment = ''.join(['c ' + line for line in comments]) + '\n' with open(blas_signature_file, 'r') as f: blas_sigs = f.readlines() blas_sigs = filter_lines(blas_sigs) blas_pyx = generate_blas_pyx(*(blas_sigs + (blas_header_name,))) with open(os.path.join(outdir, blas_name + '.pyx'), 'w') as f: f.write(pyxcomment) f.write(blas_pyx) blas_pxd = generate_blas_pxd(blas_sigs[2]) with open(os.path.join(outdir, blas_name + '.pxd'), 'w') as f: f.write(pyxcomment) f.write(blas_pxd) blas_fortran = generate_fortran(blas_sigs[0]) with open(os.path.join(outdir, blas_fortran_name), 'w') as f: f.write(fcomment) f.write(blas_fortran) blas_c_header = generate_c_header(*(blas_sigs + ('BLAS',))) with open(os.path.join(outdir, blas_header_name), 'w') as f: f.write(ccomment) f.write(blas_c_header) with open(lapack_signature_file, 'r') as f: lapack_sigs = f.readlines() lapack_sigs = filter_lines(lapack_sigs) lapack_pyx = generate_lapack_pyx(*(lapack_sigs + (lapack_header_name,))) with open(os.path.join(outdir, lapack_name + '.pyx'), 'w') as f: f.write(pyxcomment) f.write(lapack_pyx) lapack_pxd = generate_lapack_pxd(lapack_sigs[2]) with open(os.path.join(outdir, lapack_name + '.pxd'), 'w') as f: f.write(pyxcomment) f.write(lapack_pxd) lapack_fortran = generate_fortran(lapack_sigs[0]) with open(os.path.join(outdir, lapack_fortran_name), 'w') as f: f.write(fcomment) f.write(lapack_fortran) lapack_c_header = generate_c_header(*(lapack_sigs + ('LAPACK',))) with open(os.path.join(outdir, lapack_header_name), 'w') as f: f.write(ccomment) f.write(lapack_c_header) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", type=str, help="Path to the output directory") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.outdir: #raise ValueError(f"Missing `--outdir` argument to _generate_pyx.py") # We're dealing with a distutils build here, write in-place: outdir_abs = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) else: outdir_abs = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.outdir) make_all(outdir_abs)