recursive subroutine fprank(a,f,n,m,na,tol,c,sq,rank,aa,ff,h) implicit none c subroutine fprank finds the minimum norm solution of a least- c squares problem in case of rank deficiency. c c input parameters: c a : array, which contains the non-zero elements of the observation c matrix after triangularization by givens transformations. c f : array, which contains the transformed right hand side. c n : integer,which contains the dimension of a. c m : integer, which denotes the bandwidth of a. c tol : real value, giving a threshold to determine the rank of a. c c output parameters: c c : array, which contains the minimum norm solution. c sq : real value, giving the contribution of reducing the rank c to the sum of squared residuals. c rank : integer, which contains the rank of matrix a. c c ..scalar arguments.. integer n,m,na,rank real*8 tol,sq c ..array arguments.. real*8 a(na,m),f(n),c(n),aa(n,m),ff(n),h(m) c ..local scalars.. integer i,ii,ij,i1,i2,j,jj,j1,j2,j3,k,kk,m1,nl real*8 cos,fac,piv,sin,yi double precision store,stor1,stor2,stor3 c ..function references.. integer min0 c ..subroutine references.. c fpgivs,fprota c .. m1 = m-1 c the rank deficiency nl is considered to be the number of sufficient c small diagonal elements of a. nl = 0 sq = 0. do 90 i=1,n if(a(i,1).gt.tol) go to 90 c if a sufficient small diagonal element is found, we put it to c zero. the remainder of the row corresponding to that zero diagonal c element is then rotated into triangle by givens rotations . c the rank deficiency is increased by one. nl = nl+1 if(i.eq.n) go to 90 yi = f(i) do 10 j=1,m1 h(j) = a(i,j+1) 10 continue h(m) = 0. i1 = i+1 do 60 ii=i1,n i2 = min0(n-ii,m1) piv = h(1) if(piv.eq.0.) go to 30 call fpgivs(piv,a(ii,1),cos,sin) call fprota(cos,sin,yi,f(ii)) if(i2.eq.0) go to 70 do 20 j=1,i2 j1 = j+1 call fprota(cos,sin,h(j1),a(ii,j1)) h(j) = h(j1) 20 continue go to 50 30 if(i2.eq.0) go to 70 do 40 j=1,i2 h(j) = h(j+1) 40 continue 50 h(i2+1) = 0. 60 continue c add to the sum of squared residuals the contribution of deleting c the row with small diagonal element. 70 sq = sq+yi**2 90 continue c rank denotes the rank of a. rank = n-nl c let b denote the (rank*n) upper trapezoidal matrix which can be c obtained from the (n*n) upper triangular matrix a by deleting c the rows and interchanging the columns corresponding to a zero c diagonal element. if this matrix is factorized using givens c transformations as b = (r) (u) where c r is a (rank*rank) upper triangular matrix, c u is a (rank*n) orthonormal matrix c then the minimal least-squares solution c is given by c = b' v, c where v is the solution of the system (r) (r)' v = g and c g denotes the vector obtained from the old right hand side f, by c removing the elements corresponding to a zero diagonal element of a. c initialization. do 100 i=1,rank do 100 j=1,m aa(i,j) = 0. 100 continue c form in aa the upper triangular matrix obtained from a by c removing rows and columns with zero diagonal elements. form in ff c the new right hand side by removing the elements of the old right c hand side corresponding to a deleted row. ii = 0 do 120 i=1,n if(a(i,1).le.tol) go to 120 ii = ii+1 ff(ii) = f(i) aa(ii,1) = a(i,1) jj = ii kk = 1 j = i j1 = min0(j-1,m1) if(j1.eq.0) go to 120 do 110 k=1,j1 j = j-1 if(a(j,1).le.tol) go to 110 kk = kk+1 jj = jj-1 aa(jj,kk) = a(j,k+1) 110 continue 120 continue c form successively in h the columns of a with a zero diagonal element. ii = 0 do 200 i=1,n ii = ii+1 if(a(i,1).gt.tol) go to 200 ii = ii-1 if(ii.eq.0) go to 200 jj = 1 j = i j1 = min0(j-1,m1) do 130 k=1,j1 j = j-1 if(a(j,1).le.tol) go to 130 h(jj) = a(j,k+1) jj = jj+1 130 continue do 140 kk=jj,m h(kk) = 0. 140 continue c rotate this column into aa by givens transformations. jj = ii do 190 i1=1,ii j1 = min0(jj-1,m1) piv = h(1) if( go to 160 if(j1.eq.0) go to 200 do 150 j2=1,j1 j3 = j2+1 h(j2) = h(j3) 150 continue go to 180 160 call fpgivs(piv,aa(jj,1),cos,sin) if(j1.eq.0) go to 200 kk = jj do 170 j2=1,j1 j3 = j2+1 kk = kk-1 call fprota(cos,sin,h(j3),aa(kk,j3)) h(j2) = h(j3) 170 continue 180 jj = jj-1 h(j3) = 0. 190 continue 200 continue c solve the system (aa) (f1) = ff ff(rank) = ff(rank)/aa(rank,1) i = rank-1 if(i.eq.0) go to 230 do 220 j=2,rank store = ff(i) i1 = min0(j-1,m1) k = i do 210 ii=1,i1 k = k+1 stor1 = ff(k) stor2 = aa(i,ii+1) store = store-stor1*stor2 210 continue stor1 = aa(i,1) ff(i) = store/stor1 i = i-1 220 continue c solve the system (aa)' (f2) = f1 230 ff(1) = ff(1)/aa(1,1) if(rank.eq.1) go to 260 do 250 j=2,rank store = ff(j) i1 = min0(j-1,m1) k = j do 240 ii=1,i1 k = k-1 stor1 = ff(k) stor2 = aa(k,ii+1) store = store-stor1*stor2 240 continue stor1 = aa(j,1) ff(j) = store/stor1 250 continue c premultiply f2 by the transpoze of a. 260 k = 0 do 280 i=1,n store = 0. if(a(i,1).gt.tol) k = k+1 j1 = min0(i,m) kk = k ij = i+1 do 270 j=1,j1 ij = ij-1 if(a(ij,1).le.tol) go to 270 stor1 = a(ij,j) stor2 = ff(kk) store = store+stor1*stor2 kk = kk-1 270 continue c(i) = store 280 continue c add to the sum of squared residuals the contribution of putting c to zero the small diagonal elements of matrix (a). stor3 = 0. do 310 i=1,n if(a(i,1).gt.tol) go to 310 store = f(i) i1 = min0(n-i,m1) if(i1.eq.0) go to 300 do 290 j=1,i1 ij = i+j stor1 = c(ij) stor2 = a(i,j+1) store = store-stor1*stor2 290 continue 300 fac = a(i,1)*c(i) stor1 = a(i,1) stor2 = c(i) stor1 = stor1*stor2 stor3 = stor3+stor1*(stor1-store-store) 310 continue fac = stor3 sq = sq+fac return end