recursive subroutine fpbacp(a,b,z,n,k,c,k1,nest) implicit none c subroutine fpbacp calculates the solution of the system of equations c g * c = z with g a n x n upper triangular matrix of the form c ! a ' ! c g = ! ' b ! c ! 0 ' ! c with b a n x k matrix and a a (n-k) x (n-k) upper triangular c matrix of bandwidth k1. c .. c ..scalar arguments.. integer n,k,k1,nest c ..array arguments.. real*8 a(nest,k1),b(nest,k),z(n),c(n) c ..local scalars.. integer i,i1,j,l,l0,l1,n2 real*8 store c .. n2 = n-k l = n do 30 i=1,k store = z(l) j = k+2-i if(i.eq.1) go to 20 l0 = l do 10 l1=j,k l0 = l0+1 store = store-c(l0)*b(l,l1) 10 continue 20 c(l) = store/b(l,j-1) l = l-1 if(l.eq.0) go to 80 30 continue do 50 i=1,n2 store = z(i) l = n2 do 40 j=1,k l = l+1 store = store-c(l)*b(i,j) 40 continue c(i) = store 50 continue i = n2 c(i) = c(i)/a(i,1) if(i.eq.1) go to 80 do 70 j=2,n2 i = i-1 store = c(i) i1 = k if(j.le.k) i1=j-1 l = i do 60 l0=1,i1 l = l+1 store = store-c(l)*a(i,l0+1) 60 continue c(i) = store/a(i,1) 70 continue 80 return end