/* * This file is part of pocketfft. * Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.md */ /* * Python interface. * * Copyright (C) 2019 Max-Planck-Society * Copyright (C) 2019 Peter Bell * \author Martin Reinecke * \author Peter Bell */ #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <pybind11/numpy.h> #include <pybind11/stl.h> #include "pocketfft_hdronly.h" namespace { using pocketfft::shape_t; using pocketfft::stride_t; using std::size_t; using std::ptrdiff_t; namespace py = pybind11; // Only instantiate long double transforms if they offer more precision using ldbl_t = typename std::conditional< sizeof(long double)==sizeof(double), double, long double>::type; using c64 = std::complex<float>; using c128 = std::complex<double>; using clong = std::complex<ldbl_t>; using f32 = float; using f64 = double; using flong = ldbl_t; auto None = py::none(); shape_t copy_shape(const py::array &arr) { shape_t res(size_t(arr.ndim())); for (size_t i=0; i<res.size(); ++i) res[i] = size_t(arr.shape(int(i))); return res; } stride_t copy_strides(const py::array &arr) { stride_t res(size_t(arr.ndim())); for (size_t i=0; i<res.size(); ++i) res[i] = arr.strides(int(i)); return res; } shape_t makeaxes(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes) { if (axes.is_none()) { shape_t res(size_t(in.ndim())); for (size_t i=0; i<res.size(); ++i) res[i]=i; return res; } auto tmp=axes.cast<std::vector<ptrdiff_t>>(); auto ndim = in.ndim(); if ((tmp.size()>size_t(ndim)) || (tmp.size()==0)) throw std::runtime_error("bad axes argument"); for (auto& sz: tmp) { if (sz<0) sz += ndim; if ((sz>=ndim) || (sz<0)) throw std::invalid_argument("axes exceeds dimensionality of output"); } return shape_t(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } #define DISPATCH(arr, T1, T2, T3, func, args) \ { \ if (py::isinstance<py::array_t<T1>>(arr)) return func<double> args; \ if (py::isinstance<py::array_t<T2>>(arr)) return func<float> args; \ if (py::isinstance<py::array_t<T3>>(arr)) return func<ldbl_t> args; \ throw std::runtime_error("unsupported data type"); \ } template<typename T> T norm_fct(int inorm, size_t N) { if (inorm==0) return T(1); if (inorm==2) return T(1/ldbl_t(N)); if (inorm==1) return T(1/sqrt(ldbl_t(N))); throw std::invalid_argument("invalid value for inorm (must be 0, 1, or 2)"); } template<typename T> T norm_fct(int inorm, const shape_t &shape, const shape_t &axes, size_t fct=1, int delta=0) { if (inorm==0) return T(1); size_t N(1); for (auto a: axes) N *= fct * size_t(int64_t(shape[a])+delta); return norm_fct<T>(inorm, N); } template<typename T> py::array_t<T> prepare_output(py::object &out_, shape_t &dims) { if (out_.is_none()) return py::array_t<T>(dims); auto tmp = out_.cast<py::array_t<T>>(); if (!tmp.is(out_)) // a new object was created during casting throw std::runtime_error("unexpected data type for output array"); return tmp; } template<typename T> py::array c2c_internal(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, bool forward, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { auto axes = makeaxes(in, axes_); auto dims(copy_shape(in)); auto res = prepare_output<std::complex<T>>(out_, dims); auto s_in=copy_strides(in); auto s_out=copy_strides(res); auto d_in=reinterpret_cast<const std::complex<T> *>(in.data()); auto d_out=reinterpret_cast<std::complex<T> *>(res.mutable_data()); { py::gil_scoped_release release; T fct = norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims, axes); pocketfft::c2c(dims, s_in, s_out, axes, forward, d_in, d_out, fct, nthreads); } return move(res); } template<typename T> py::array c2c_sym_internal(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, bool forward, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { auto axes = makeaxes(in, axes_); auto dims(copy_shape(in)); auto res = prepare_output<std::complex<T>>(out_, dims); auto s_in=copy_strides(in); auto s_out=copy_strides(res); auto d_in=reinterpret_cast<const T *>(in.data()); auto d_out=reinterpret_cast<std::complex<T> *>(res.mutable_data()); { py::gil_scoped_release release; T fct = norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims, axes); pocketfft::r2c(dims, s_in, s_out, axes, forward, d_in, d_out, fct, nthreads); // now fill in second half using namespace pocketfft::detail; ndarr<std::complex<T>> ares(res.mutable_data(), dims, s_out); rev_iter iter(ares, axes); while(iter.remaining()>0) { auto v = ares[iter.ofs()]; ares[iter.rev_ofs()] = conj(v); iter.advance(); } } return move(res); } py::array c2c(const py::array &a, const py::object &axes_, bool forward, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { if (a.dtype().kind() == 'c') DISPATCH(a, c128, c64, clong, c2c_internal, (a, axes_, forward, inorm, out_, nthreads)) DISPATCH(a, f64, f32, flong, c2c_sym_internal, (a, axes_, forward, inorm, out_, nthreads)) } template<typename T> py::array r2c_internal(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, bool forward, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { auto axes = makeaxes(in, axes_); auto dims_in(copy_shape(in)), dims_out(dims_in); dims_out[axes.back()] = (dims_out[axes.back()]>>1)+1; py::array res = prepare_output<std::complex<T>>(out_, dims_out); auto s_in=copy_strides(in); auto s_out=copy_strides(res); auto d_in=reinterpret_cast<const T *>(in.data()); auto d_out=reinterpret_cast<std::complex<T> *>(res.mutable_data()); { py::gil_scoped_release release; T fct = norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims_in, axes); pocketfft::r2c(dims_in, s_in, s_out, axes, forward, d_in, d_out, fct, nthreads); } return res; } py::array r2c(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, bool forward, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { DISPATCH(in, f64, f32, flong, r2c_internal, (in, axes_, forward, inorm, out_, nthreads)) } template<typename T> py::array r2r_fftpack_internal(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, bool real2hermitian, bool forward, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { auto axes = makeaxes(in, axes_); auto dims(copy_shape(in)); py::array res = prepare_output<T>(out_, dims); auto s_in=copy_strides(in); auto s_out=copy_strides(res); auto d_in=reinterpret_cast<const T *>(in.data()); auto d_out=reinterpret_cast<T *>(res.mutable_data()); { py::gil_scoped_release release; T fct = norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims, axes); pocketfft::r2r_fftpack(dims, s_in, s_out, axes, real2hermitian, forward, d_in, d_out, fct, nthreads); } return res; } py::array r2r_fftpack(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, bool real2hermitian, bool forward, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { DISPATCH(in, f64, f32, flong, r2r_fftpack_internal, (in, axes_, real2hermitian, forward, inorm, out_, nthreads)) } template<typename T> py::array dct_internal(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, int type, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads, bool ortho) { auto axes = makeaxes(in, axes_); auto dims(copy_shape(in)); py::array res = prepare_output<T>(out_, dims); auto s_in=copy_strides(in); auto s_out=copy_strides(res); auto d_in=reinterpret_cast<const T *>(in.data()); auto d_out=reinterpret_cast<T *>(res.mutable_data()); { py::gil_scoped_release release; T fct = (type==1) ? norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims, axes, 2, -1) : norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims, axes, 2); pocketfft::dct(dims, s_in, s_out, axes, type, d_in, d_out, fct, ortho, nthreads); } return res; } py::array dct(const py::array &in, int type, const py::object &axes_, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads, const py::object & ortho_obj) { bool ortho=inorm==1; if (!ortho_obj.is_none()) ortho=ortho_obj.cast<bool>(); if ((type<1) || (type>4)) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid DCT type"); DISPATCH(in, f64, f32, flong, dct_internal, (in, axes_, type, inorm, out_, nthreads, ortho)) } template<typename T> py::array dst_internal(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, int type, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads, bool ortho) { auto axes = makeaxes(in, axes_); auto dims(copy_shape(in)); py::array res = prepare_output<T>(out_, dims); auto s_in=copy_strides(in); auto s_out=copy_strides(res); auto d_in=reinterpret_cast<const T *>(in.data()); auto d_out=reinterpret_cast<T *>(res.mutable_data()); { py::gil_scoped_release release; T fct = (type==1) ? norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims, axes, 2, 1) : norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims, axes, 2); pocketfft::dst(dims, s_in, s_out, axes, type, d_in, d_out, fct, ortho, nthreads); } return res; } py::array dst(const py::array &in, int type, const py::object &axes_, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads, const py::object &ortho_obj) { bool ortho=inorm==1; if (!ortho_obj.is_none()) ortho=ortho_obj.cast<bool>(); if ((type<1) || (type>4)) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid DST type"); DISPATCH(in, f64, f32, flong, dst_internal, (in, axes_, type, inorm, out_, nthreads, ortho)) } template<typename T> py::array c2r_internal(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, size_t lastsize, bool forward, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { auto axes = makeaxes(in, axes_); size_t axis = axes.back(); shape_t dims_in(copy_shape(in)), dims_out=dims_in; if (lastsize==0) lastsize=2*dims_in[axis]-1; if ((lastsize/2) + 1 != dims_in[axis]) throw std::invalid_argument("bad lastsize"); dims_out[axis] = lastsize; py::array res = prepare_output<T>(out_, dims_out); auto s_in=copy_strides(in); auto s_out=copy_strides(res); auto d_in=reinterpret_cast<const std::complex<T> *>(in.data()); auto d_out=reinterpret_cast<T *>(res.mutable_data()); { py::gil_scoped_release release; T fct = norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims_out, axes); pocketfft::c2r(dims_out, s_in, s_out, axes, forward, d_in, d_out, fct, nthreads); } return res; } py::array c2r(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, size_t lastsize, bool forward, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { DISPATCH(in, c128, c64, clong, c2r_internal, (in, axes_, lastsize, forward, inorm, out_, nthreads)) } template<typename T> py::array separable_hartley_internal(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { auto dims(copy_shape(in)); py::array res = prepare_output<T>(out_, dims); auto axes = makeaxes(in, axes_); auto s_in=copy_strides(in); auto s_out=copy_strides(res); auto d_in=reinterpret_cast<const T *>(in.data()); auto d_out=reinterpret_cast<T *>(res.mutable_data()); { py::gil_scoped_release release; T fct = norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims, axes); pocketfft::r2r_separable_hartley(dims, s_in, s_out, axes, d_in, d_out, fct, nthreads); } return res; } py::array separable_hartley(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { DISPATCH(in, f64, f32, flong, separable_hartley_internal, (in, axes_, inorm, out_, nthreads)) } template<typename T> py::array genuine_hartley_internal(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { auto dims(copy_shape(in)); py::array res = prepare_output<T>(out_, dims); auto axes = makeaxes(in, axes_); auto s_in=copy_strides(in); auto s_out=copy_strides(res); auto d_in=reinterpret_cast<const T *>(in.data()); auto d_out=reinterpret_cast<T *>(res.mutable_data()); { py::gil_scoped_release release; T fct = norm_fct<T>(inorm, dims, axes); pocketfft::r2r_genuine_hartley(dims, s_in, s_out, axes, d_in, d_out, fct, nthreads); } return res; } py::array genuine_hartley(const py::array &in, const py::object &axes_, int inorm, py::object &out_, size_t nthreads) { DISPATCH(in, f64, f32, flong, genuine_hartley_internal, (in, axes_, inorm, out_, nthreads)) } // Export good_size in raw C-API to reduce overhead (~4x faster) PyObject * good_size(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject * args, PyObject * kwargs) { Py_ssize_t n_ = -1; int real = false; static const char * keywords[] = {"target", "real", nullptr}; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "n|p:good_size", (char **) keywords, &n_, &real)) return nullptr; if (n_<0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Target length must be positive"); return nullptr; } if ((n_-1) > static_cast<Py_ssize_t>(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 11)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Target length is too large to perform an FFT: %zi", n_); return nullptr; } const auto n = static_cast<size_t>(n_); using namespace pocketfft::detail; return PyLong_FromSize_t( real ? util::good_size_real(n) : util::good_size_cmplx(n)); } const char *pypocketfft_DS = R"""(Fast Fourier and Hartley transforms. This module supports - single, double, and long double precision - complex and real-valued transforms - multi-dimensional transforms For two- and higher-dimensional transforms the code will use SSE2 and AVX vector instructions for faster execution if these are supported by the CPU and were enabled during compilation. )"""; const char *c2c_DS = R"""(Performs a complex FFT. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray (any complex or real type) The input data. If its type is real, a more efficient real-to-complex transform will be used. axes : list of integers The axes along which the FFT is carried out. If not set, all axes will be transformed. forward : bool If `True`, a negative sign is used in the exponent, else a positive one. inorm : int Normalization type 0 : no normalization 1 : divide by sqrt(N) 2 : divide by N where N is the product of the lengths of the transformed axes. out : numpy.ndarray (same shape as `a`, complex type with same accuracy as `a`) May be identical to `a`, but if it isn't, it must not overlap with `a`. If None, a new array is allocated to store the output. nthreads : int Number of threads to use. If 0, use the system default (typically governed by the `OMP_NUM_THREADS` environment variable). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (same shape as `a`, complex type with same accuracy as `a`) The transformed data. )"""; const char *r2c_DS = R"""(Performs an FFT whose input is strictly real. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray (any real type) The input data axes : list of integers The axes along which the FFT is carried out. If not set, all axes will be transformed in ascending order. forward : bool If `True`, a negative sign is used in the exponent, else a positive one. inorm : int Normalization type 0 : no normalization 1 : divide by sqrt(N) 2 : divide by N where N is the product of the lengths of the transformed input axes. out : numpy.ndarray (complex type with same accuracy as `a`) For the required shape, see the `Returns` section. Must not overlap with `a`. If None, a new array is allocated to store the output. nthreads : int Number of threads to use. If 0, use the system default (typically governed by the `OMP_NUM_THREADS` environment variable). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (complex type with same accuracy as `a`) The transformed data. The shape is identical to that of the input array, except for the axis that was transformed last. If the length of that axis was n on input, it is n//2+1 on output. )"""; const char *c2r_DS = R"""(Performs an FFT whose output is strictly real. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray (any complex type) The input data axes : list of integers The axes along which the FFT is carried out. If not set, all axes will be transformed in ascending order. lastsize : the output size of the last axis to be transformed. If the corresponding input axis has size n, this can be 2*n-2 or 2*n-1. forward : bool If `True`, a negative sign is used in the exponent, else a positive one. inorm : int Normalization type 0 : no normalization 1 : divide by sqrt(N) 2 : divide by N where N is the product of the lengths of the transformed output axes. out : numpy.ndarray (real type with same accuracy as `a`) For the required shape, see the `Returns` section. Must not overlap with `a`. If None, a new array is allocated to store the output. nthreads : int Number of threads to use. If 0, use the system default (typically governed by the `OMP_NUM_THREADS` environment variable). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (real type with same accuracy as `a`) The transformed data. The shape is identical to that of the input array, except for the axis that was transformed last, which has now `lastsize` entries. )"""; const char *r2r_fftpack_DS = R"""(Performs a real-valued FFT using the FFTPACK storage scheme. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray (any real type) The input data axes : list of integers The axes along which the FFT is carried out. If not set, all axes will be transformed. real2hermitian : bool if True, the input is purely real and the output will have Hermitian symmetry and be stored in FFTPACK's halfcomplex ordering, otherwise the opposite. forward : bool If `True`, a negative sign is used in the exponent, else a positive one. inorm : int Normalization type 0 : no normalization 1 : divide by sqrt(N) 2 : divide by N where N is the length of `axis`. out : numpy.ndarray (same shape and data type as `a`) May be identical to `a`, but if it isn't, it must not overlap with `a`. If None, a new array is allocated to store the output. nthreads : int Number of threads to use. If 0, use the system default (typically governed by the `OMP_NUM_THREADS` environment variable). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (same shape and data type as `a`) The transformed data. The shape is identical to that of the input array. )"""; const char *separable_hartley_DS = R"""(Performs a separable Hartley transform. For every requested axis, a 1D forward Fourier transform is carried out, and the real and imaginary parts of the result are added before the next axis is processed. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray (any real type) The input data axes : list of integers The axes along which the transform is carried out. If not set, all axes will be transformed. inorm : int Normalization type 0 : no normalization 1 : divide by sqrt(N) 2 : divide by N where N is the product of the lengths of the transformed axes. out : numpy.ndarray (same shape and data type as `a`) May be identical to `a`, but if it isn't, it must not overlap with `a`. If None, a new array is allocated to store the output. nthreads : int Number of threads to use. If 0, use the system default (typically governed by the `OMP_NUM_THREADS` environment variable). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (same shape and data type as `a`) The transformed data )"""; const char *genuine_hartley_DS = R"""(Performs a full Hartley transform. A full Fourier transform is carried out over the requested axes, and the sum of real and imaginary parts of the result is stored in the output array. For a single transformed axis, this is identical to `separable_hartley`, but when transforming multiple axes, the results are different. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray (any real type) The input data axes : list of integers The axes along which the transform is carried out. If not set, all axes will be transformed. inorm : int Normalization type 0 : no normalization 1 : divide by sqrt(N) 2 : divide by N where N is the product of the lengths of the transformed axes. out : numpy.ndarray (same shape and data type as `a`) May be identical to `a`, but if it isn't, it must not overlap with `a`. If None, a new array is allocated to store the output. nthreads : int Number of threads to use. If 0, use the system default (typically governed by the `OMP_NUM_THREADS` environment variable). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (same shape and data type as `a`) The transformed data )"""; const char *dct_DS = R"""(Performs a discrete cosine transform. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray (any real type) The input data type : integer the type of DCT. Must be in [1; 4]. axes : list of integers The axes along which the transform is carried out. If not set, all axes will be transformed. inorm : int Normalization type 0 : no normalization 1 : divide by sqrt(N) 2 : divide by N where N is the product of n_i for every transformed axis i. n_i is 2*(<axis_length>-1 for type 1 and 2*<axis length> for types 2, 3, 4. Making the transform orthogonal involves the following additional steps for every 1D sub-transform: Type 1 : multiply first and last input value by sqrt(2) divide first and last output value by sqrt(2) Type 2 : divide first output value by sqrt(2) Type 3 : multiply first input value by sqrt(2) Type 4 : nothing out : numpy.ndarray (same shape and data type as `a`) May be identical to `a`, but if it isn't, it must not overlap with `a`. If None, a new array is allocated to store the output. nthreads : int Number of threads to use. If 0, use the system default (typically governed by the `OMP_NUM_THREADS` environment variable). ortho: bool Orthogonalize transform (defaults to ``inorm==1``) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (same shape and data type as `a`) The transformed data )"""; const char *dst_DS = R"""(Performs a discrete sine transform. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray (any real type) The input data type : integer the type of DST. Must be in [1; 4]. axes : list of integers The axes along which the transform is carried out. If not set, all axes will be transformed. inorm : int Normalization type 0 : no normalization 1 : divide by sqrt(N) 2 : divide by N where N is the product of n_i for every transformed axis i. n_i is 2*(<axis_length>+1 for type 1 and 2*<axis length> for types 2, 3, 4. Making the transform orthogonal involves the following additional steps for every 1D sub-transform: Type 1 : nothing Type 2 : divide first output value by sqrt(2) Type 3 : multiply first input value by sqrt(2) Type 4 : nothing out : numpy.ndarray (same shape and data type as `a`) May be identical to `a`, but if it isn't, it must not overlap with `a`. If None, a new array is allocated to store the output. nthreads : int Number of threads to use. If 0, use the system default (typically governed by the `OMP_NUM_THREADS` environment variable). ortho: bool Orthogonalize transform (defaults to ``inorm==1``) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (same shape and data type as `a`) The transformed data )"""; const char * good_size_DS = R"""(Returns a good length to pad an FFT to. Parameters ---------- target : int Minimum transform length real : bool, optional True if either input or output of FFT should be fully real. Returns ------- out : int The smallest fast size >= n )"""; } // unnamed namespace PYBIND11_MODULE(pypocketfft, m) { using namespace pybind11::literals; m.doc() = pypocketfft_DS; m.def("c2c", c2c, c2c_DS, "a"_a, "axes"_a=None, "forward"_a=true, "inorm"_a=0, "out"_a=None, "nthreads"_a=1); m.def("r2c", r2c, r2c_DS, "a"_a, "axes"_a=None, "forward"_a=true, "inorm"_a=0, "out"_a=None, "nthreads"_a=1); m.def("c2r", c2r, c2r_DS, "a"_a, "axes"_a=None, "lastsize"_a=0, "forward"_a=true, "inorm"_a=0, "out"_a=None, "nthreads"_a=1); m.def("r2r_fftpack", r2r_fftpack, r2r_fftpack_DS, "a"_a, "axes"_a, "real2hermitian"_a, "forward"_a, "inorm"_a=0, "out"_a=None, "nthreads"_a=1); m.def("separable_hartley", separable_hartley, separable_hartley_DS, "a"_a, "axes"_a=None, "inorm"_a=0, "out"_a=None, "nthreads"_a=1); m.def("genuine_hartley", genuine_hartley, genuine_hartley_DS, "a"_a, "axes"_a=None, "inorm"_a=0, "out"_a=None, "nthreads"_a=1); m.def("dct", dct, dct_DS, "a"_a, "type"_a, "axes"_a=None, "inorm"_a=0, "out"_a=None, "nthreads"_a=1, "ortho"_a=None); m.def("dst", dst, dst_DS, "a"_a, "type"_a, "axes"_a=None, "inorm"_a=0, "out"_a=None, "nthreads"_a=1, "ortho"_a=None); static PyMethodDef good_size_meth[] = {{"good_size", (PyCFunction)good_size, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, good_size_DS}, {0}}; PyModule_AddFunctions(m.ptr(), good_size_meth); }