#include "Highs.h" #include "catch.hpp" #include "lp_data/HConst.h" const double inf = kHighsInf; const bool dev_run = false; const double double_equal_tolerance = 1e-5; TEST_CASE("semi-variable-model", "[highs_test_semi_variables]") { Highs highs; const HighsInfo& info = highs.getInfo(); HighsStatus return_status; double optimal_objective_function_value; if (!dev_run) highs.setOptionValue("output_flag", false); HighsModel model; HighsLp& lp = model.lp_; lp.num_col_ = 4; lp.num_row_ = 4; lp.col_cost_ = {1, 2, -4, -3}; lp.col_lower_ = {0, 0, 1.1, 0}; lp.col_upper_ = {inf, inf, inf, inf}; lp.row_lower_ = {-inf, 0, 0, 0.5}; lp.row_upper_ = {5, inf, inf, inf}; lp.a_matrix_.start_ = {0, 3, 6, 7, 8}; lp.a_matrix_.index_ = {0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3}; lp.a_matrix_.value_ = {1, 2, -1, 1, -1, 3, 1, 1}; lp.a_matrix_.format_ = MatrixFormat::kColwise; lp.sense_ = ObjSense::kMaximize; const HighsVarType continuous = HighsVarType::kContinuous; const HighsVarType semi_continuous = HighsVarType::kSemiContinuous; const HighsVarType semi_integer = HighsVarType::kSemiInteger; lp.integrality_ = {continuous, continuous, semi_continuous, continuous}; const HighsInt semi_col = 2; const double save_semi_col_lower = lp.col_lower_[semi_col]; const double save_semi_col_upper = lp.col_upper_[semi_col]; optimal_objective_function_value = 6.83333; // Legal to have infinte upper bounds on semi-variables lp.col_upper_[semi_col] = inf; return_status = highs.passModel(model); REQUIRE(return_status == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(highs.getModelStatus() == HighsModelStatus::kOptimal); if (dev_run) highs.writeSolution("", kSolutionStylePretty); REQUIRE(fabs(info.objective_function_value - optimal_objective_function_value) < double_equal_tolerance); // Remove the semi-condition and resolve highs.changeColIntegrality(semi_col, continuous); REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); if (dev_run) highs.writeSolution("", kSolutionStylePretty); optimal_objective_function_value = 3.93333; REQUIRE(fabs(info.objective_function_value - optimal_objective_function_value) < double_equal_tolerance); // Restore the semi-condition, change the cost and resolve highs.changeColIntegrality(semi_col, semi_continuous); highs.changeColCost(semi_col, -0.1); REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); if (dev_run) highs.writeSolution("", kSolutionStylePretty); optimal_objective_function_value = 8.22333; REQUIRE(fabs(info.objective_function_value - optimal_objective_function_value) < double_equal_tolerance); // Fix the variable at zero and resolve highs.changeColBounds(semi_col, 0, 0); REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); if (dev_run) highs.writeSolution("", kSolutionStylePretty); optimal_objective_function_value = 6.83333; REQUIRE(fabs(info.objective_function_value - optimal_objective_function_value) < double_equal_tolerance); // Change to sem-integer, restore the bounds and resolve highs.changeColIntegrality(semi_col, semi_integer); highs.changeColBounds(semi_col, save_semi_col_lower, save_semi_col_upper); REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); if (dev_run) highs.writeSolution("", kSolutionStylePretty); optimal_objective_function_value = 8.13333; REQUIRE(fabs(info.objective_function_value - optimal_objective_function_value) < double_equal_tolerance); // Ensure that a user solution is handled properly HighsSolution sol; sol.col_value = {0, 0, 0.5, 0}; highs.setSolution(sol); REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(fabs(info.objective_function_value - optimal_objective_function_value) < double_equal_tolerance); } TEST_CASE("semi-variable-upper-bound", "[highs_test_semi_variables]") { Highs highs; if (!dev_run) highs.setOptionValue("output_flag", false); HighsLp lp; lp.num_col_ = 2; lp.num_row_ = 0; lp.col_cost_ = {1, 2}; lp.col_lower_ = {1, 0}; lp.col_upper_ = {inf, 1}; lp.sense_ = ObjSense::kMaximize; lp.integrality_ = {HighsVarType::kSemiContinuous, HighsVarType::kContinuous}; REQUIRE(highs.passModel(lp) == HighsStatus::kOk); // Problem is unbounded due to infinite upper bound on x0, so // modified upper bound is active in solution, and run returns error REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kError); REQUIRE(highs.getModelStatus() == HighsModelStatus::kSolveError); double lower = kMaxSemiVariableUpper; double upper = inf; if (dev_run) printf("\nModifying the bounds on semi-continuous variable to [%g, %g]\n", lower, upper); REQUIRE(highs.changeColBounds(0, lower, upper) == HighsStatus::kOk); // Problem is still unbounded due to infinite upper bound on x0, but // lower bound is too large to set modified upper bound, so run // returns error REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kError); REQUIRE(highs.getModelStatus() == HighsModelStatus::kSolveError); lower = 1; upper = inf; if (dev_run) printf("\nModifying the bounds on semi-continuous variable to [%g, %g]\n", lower, upper); REQUIRE(highs.changeColBounds(0, lower, upper) == HighsStatus::kOk); double coeff = 1e6; std::vector index = {0, 1}; std::vector value = {-1, coeff}; REQUIRE(highs.addRow(0, 0, 2, &index[0], &value[0]) == HighsStatus::kOk); // Problem is no longer unbounded due to equation linking the // semi-variable to the continuous variable. However, optimal value // of semi-variable should be 1e6, so it is active at the modified upper // bound. REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kError); REQUIRE(highs.getModelStatus() == HighsModelStatus::kSolveError); HighsInt iRow = 0; HighsInt iCol = 1; coeff /= 20; if (dev_run) printf("\nModifying coefficient [%d, %d] to %g\n", (int)iRow, (int)iCol, coeff); highs.changeCoeff(iRow, iCol, coeff); // Problem is no longer unbounded due to equation linking the // semi-variable to the continuous variable. However, modified coefficient // means that the optimal value of semi-variable is 1e4, so // problem is solved OK REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); if (dev_run) highs.writeSolution("", 1); REQUIRE(highs.getModelStatus() == HighsModelStatus::kOptimal); } TEST_CASE("semi-variable-file", "[highs_test_semi_variables]") { Highs highs; const HighsInfo& info = highs.getInfo(); double optimal_objective_function_value; if (!dev_run) highs.setOptionValue("output_flag", false); std::string model = ""; std::string model_file; // Solve the same semi-continuous model from MPS and .lp files model = "semi-continuous"; optimal_objective_function_value = 8.22333; model_file = std::string(HIGHS_DIR) + "/check/instances/" + model + ".mps"; REQUIRE(highs.readModel(model_file) == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(fabs(info.objective_function_value - optimal_objective_function_value) < double_equal_tolerance); model_file = std::string(HIGHS_DIR) + "/check/instances/" + model + ".lp"; REQUIRE(highs.readModel(model_file) == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(fabs(info.objective_function_value - optimal_objective_function_value) < double_equal_tolerance); // Solve the same semi-integer model from MPS and .lp files model = "semi-integer"; optimal_objective_function_value = 8.13333; model_file = std::string(HIGHS_DIR) + "/check/instances/" + model + ".mps"; REQUIRE(highs.readModel(model_file) == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(fabs(info.objective_function_value - optimal_objective_function_value) < double_equal_tolerance); model_file = std::string(HIGHS_DIR) + "/check/instances/" + model + ".lp"; REQUIRE(highs.readModel(model_file) == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(highs.run() == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(fabs(info.objective_function_value - optimal_objective_function_value) < double_equal_tolerance); }