============================ Low-level callback functions ============================ .. currentmodule:: scipy Some functions in SciPy take as arguments callback functions, which can either be python callables or low-level compiled functions. Using compiled callback functions can improve performance somewhat by avoiding wrapping data in Python objects. Such low-level functions in SciPy are wrapped in `LowLevelCallable` objects, which can be constructed from function pointers obtained from ctypes, cffi, Cython, or contained in Python `PyCapsule` objects. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ LowLevelCallable .. seealso:: Functions accepting low-level callables: `scipy.integrate.quad`, `scipy.ndimage.generic_filter`, `scipy.ndimage.generic_filter1d`, `scipy.ndimage.geometric_transform` Usage examples: :ref:`ndimage-ccallbacks`, :ref:`quad-callbacks`