.. _version-numbering: Version numbering ================= SciPy version numbering complies to `PEP 440`_. Released final versions, which are the only versions appearing on `PyPI`_, are numbered ``MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO`` where: - ``MAJOR`` is an integer indicating the major version. It changes very rarely; a change in ``MAJOR`` indicates large (possibly backwards-incompatible) changes. - ``MINOR`` is an integer indicating the minor version. Minor versions are typically released twice a year and can contain new features, deprecations and bug-fixes. - ``MICRO`` is an integer indicating a bug-fix version. Bug-fix versions are released when needed, typically one or two per minor version. They cannot contain new features or deprecations. Released alpha, beta and rc (release candidate) versions are numbered like final versions but with postfixes ``a#``, ``b#`` and ``rc#`` respectively, with ``#`` an integer. Development versions are postfixed with ``.dev0+``. Examples of valid SciPy version strings are:: 0.16.0 0.15.1 0.14.0a1 0.14.0b2 0.14.0rc1 0.17.0.dev0+ac53f09 An installed SciPy version contains these version identifiers:: scipy.__version__ # complete version string, including git commit hash for dev versions scipy.version.short_version # string, only major.minor.micro scipy.version.version # string, same as scipy.__version__ scipy.version.full_version # string, same as scipy.__version__ scipy.version.release # bool, development or (alpha/beta/rc/final) released version scipy.version.git_revision # string, git commit hash from which scipy was built .. _PEP 440: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440 .. _PyPI: https://pypi.org/