The features/bug fixes for different versions of the installer
should be as follows:

installer 1.0	- Original release from Alice group

installer 1.1	- My first involvement with installer
	Feature	- Mulltiple archive selection and installation
	Feature - archives selectable for installing by dragging
		  on top of the installer.
	Bux Fix - CD-ROM device no longer misrecognized as a hard disk

installer 1.1a  - Bug fix release
	Feature - First appearance of progress bar.
	Bug Fix - Patch to deal with larger than 1GB disk size.

installer 1.1b  - Bug fix release
	Feature - better progress bar
	Bug Fix - better validation of root partition before mounting.

installer 1.1c  - Bug fix release
	Bug Fix - Fixed problems with progress bar on B&W screen.

installer 1.1d  - Bug fix release
	Bug Fix - fixed error with creation of /etc/fstab.
	Bug Fix - prior versions compiled with FPU optimization on.
		  All compiles starting with this one are not.

installer 1.1e  - Bug fix release
	Feature - Increase number of terminal device files created
		  to be 16 instead of 4.
	Bug Fix - Prior installers read/wrote with local time zone
		  timestamp.  Fixed this to add correct GMT bias on
		  reads and writes.

installer 1.1f	- Bug fix release
	Bug Fix - /dev/tty and /dev/pty devices added in 1.1e changed
		  to use proper hexadecimal naming scheme.
		  File system type reported changed from "ufs" to "ffs".
		  Paging under "more" and "dir" re-enabled.

installer 1.1g  - Feature release
	Feature - Mirror Allen Briggs's changes to NetBSD that basically
		  reclaim the "d" partition.
	Feature - Now makes all devices a "MAKEDEV all" would make
		  except "vnd*" and "ccd*" devices.
	Bug Fix - Version number wasn't showing up in "About" box
		  because text box size was too small.  Fixed now.

Any questions can be forwarded to me via email.

Steve Brown